Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 Update Gets Bugs Fixed and Quality Changes
Users of the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book have received another update from Microsoft for their devices. The recent one is quite similar to updates in the past few weeks, not because of the content of the updates themselves but because they are only for the Creators Update of Windows 10
According to reports from Microsoft, one of the changes in the recent patch adds new updates for the driver, which will hopefully improve the quality of video playbacks.
Updates for the Surface Book
Cortana seems to have received an increase in the quality of her speech recognition capabilities. Surface Book has received driver updates for its Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) OED, Realtek High Definition Audio(SST), and the Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller. One of the main changes for this update is that it is going to increase the quality of video playbacks on your installed applications when the device is offline.
The updates for the Surface Book can be downloaded in both Zip and MSI formats from the official Drivers and Firmware website available in Microsoft’s Download Center.
Updates for the Surface Pro 4
Similar update for the Surface Pro 4 as is with the Surface book, the Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) OED and the Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller have received new driver updates that will aim to increase playback quality on applications when offline.
The Surface Pro 4 updates are also available for download on Microsoft’s Download Center in both of the aforementioned formats.
A thing to note about these driver releases is the fact that they are only useable for the Creators Update for Windows 10.