3 Ideas for How to Improve Efficiency in the Workplace
When people think of a typical job, the first thing they think of is eight hours. It’s the traditional amount of time in a workday. However, employees only dedicate three hours to productive work each day.
People are the biggest sources of inefficiency in business. To get the most out of your firm, you should get the most out of your workforce. Here are three ideas on how to improve efficiency in the office.
1. How to Improve Efficiency: Less Distraction
When you sit people in front of a computer, they’ll have tendencies to wander the Internet. You have to put up boundaries in the workplace.
Discourage the use of social media during working hours. Block access to any sites that sap productivity, like YouTube.
Be sure to put up a wall between your employees and inappropriate websites. Any kind of forum or moderation-free website is a lawsuit in the making and a major distraction.
It’s not feasible to prevent the usage of cell phones. But you can encourage them to put it away during peak hours. When business settles down, ease your restrictions on phones.
2. Celebrate the Little Things
Everybody loves recognition. Being called out for doing a great job lifts morale. Celebrate your employees at any chance, particularly around quarter or year’s end.
Start the next business cycle with a team of happy employees. It might seem hacky or tongue-in-cheek, but host an award ceremony for top performers. Trophies and plaques don’t cost a lot, but they go a long way.
Offer your employees incentives for doing well, such as the following:
- Take them out for lunch
- Leave notes of recognition on their desks
- Offer additional time off
- Give out silly coupons, like “Free Vending Machine Snack” or “Casual Dress Day”
When your employees know they’re being seen for good work, they’ll work harder. Incentivize and reward them accordingly.
3. Embrace the Down Time
Even though eight hours is a normal workday, don’t expect your workers to perform for that long. You’ll get nothing but spite if you enforce someone to work just for the sake of working. If you want the best possible outcome while maintaining workplace efficiency, endorse breaks.
Mental exhaustion is a real thing, and it happens much sooner than the end of the workday. Allow your employees breaks without time limits. A happy employee is the most likely to work the hardest.
Consider flexible scheduling, too. Employees are grateful when you work with their evolving schedules.
Use software to manage your employees’ schedules. Here’s a complete setup guide on integrating it with your current workflow.
Working at Optimal Capacity
People will always be your biggest source of inefficiency. It’s not natural for humans to work at optimal capacity for eight hours a day. Here are some ways on how to improve efficiency at work.
Cut out the distracting websites, especially inappropriate ones. Celebrate your workers’ victories with incentives. Encourage your team to take necessary breaks.
Are you trying to make the most out of your workdays? Check out our other articles on creating an efficient work atmosphere.
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