6 Workplace Safety Tips for Small Businesses
Whether or not your business is large enough to fall under OSHA regulations, it’s important to prioritize workplace safety. When you mitigate risk, you protect your employers and your business from liabilities.
What steps should you take to prevent workplace accidents? What are some of the other considerations to make when creating a safe work environment?
Fortunately, promoting safety isn’t difficult. It also isn’t nearly as expensive as handling the aftermath of a workplace accident.
Read on for six simple tips for small businesses that want to increase workplace safety.
1. Train for Safety
A safe workplace starts with training. No matter your industry, it is important to incorporate workplace safety procedures into your employee training. From discussing proper posture to emergency protocols, you can prepare your employees to work safer and smarter.
2. Have Safety Equipment Inspected
Any commercial space will have safety equipment built right in. However, safety equipment is only protective if it’s working properly. Make sure that you have all safety equipment inspected on a regular basis, including your fire alarms and security systems.
3. Provide the Proper Gear
Do you work in an environment that requires specialized safety equipment? If so, make sure that you have enough for everyone. Things like goggles, high visibility clothing, face masks, and first aid kits should all be up to date and ready to use as needed.
4. Encourage Breaks
It’s easy to fall into the habit of pushing yourself and your employees to use every minute of the workday in a productive manner. However, it is crucial that you not only allow regular breaks throughout the day but actually encourage your employees to use them. You can do so by requiring at least one 30-minute meal break as well as two breaks that last 10-15 minutes.
5. Don’t Cut Corners
No matter how crunched you are for time, it is imperative that you never push employees to cut corners on potentially risky tasks. For example, if your business involves restocking high shelves, you must always require employees to use step ladders, rather than climbing on unsanctioned objects. Cutting corners isn’t worth the seconds or minutes it saves when safety is on the line.
6. Keep Your Workplace Clean
When you run a business, it is up to you to put measures in place to keep your workplace clean. Hiring a professional cleaning crew to come in once or twice a week is a good way to sanitize and promote a healthy environment. You should also enforce protocols for clean-up after specific tasks are performed.
Are You Prioritizing Workplace Safety?
No matter how small your business is or whether or not you report to OSHA, workplace safety must be a priority. You expect your employees to perform well. They expect you to keep them safe and healthy on the job.
Looking for more tips and tricks to improve your workplace? Take a look around for the latest business news, tech updates, health guides, and more.
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