Google Earth Pro License For Windows, Mac Or Linux Users
A lot of people became wary about Google Earth Pro, which was offered for free in the past year. With this gesture by Google though, many individuals have become suspicious about the said gimmick. In fact, many were curious that there might be some strings attached to it.
However, according to Google Earth Pro Product Manager Stafford Marquardt, they are giving out access for Google Earth Pro for free without any catch. Marquardt said that businesses, hobbyists, and scientists around the world have been using Google Earth Pro for quite some time now, for a lot of reasons.
Moreover, it has all the features that are easy to use with detailed imagery of the earth. It also provides some advanced tools that would assist you in measuring buildings in 3D, record HD movies, and print high-res images for reports or presentations.
At first, you are required to have a license key but at no charge. This might be the catch, but Google may have done this to avoid any security issues. Still, it might just be an inconvenient step for many. If you would want to get a free license key, you can visit https://geoauth.google.com/gev0/free_trial.html. Although the URL states that it is indeed a trial, it is actually free without any limitations of using it.
Good thing though, there is an update made by Google for the requirement of license keys. For this reason, license keys are no longer necessary. According to Google, you simply have to sign up using your email address with the license key: GEPFREE.
Here are new features of the updated version of Google Earth Pro.
Editing Movies
The latest version of Google Earth Pro now provides access to users to move films in Windows Media as well as QuickTime HD. Moreover, the resolution of the film will stay in full HD at 1920 x 1080p.
High-Res Printing
You can now have the ability to print photos of the earth using a high-resolution setup. It can reach up to 4,800 x 3,200 pixels, which is a great new addition to the Earth Pro.
Those who are using Google Earth Pro for purposes of engineering or architecture should be glad knowing they are going to take advantage of the measurements. Google Earth Pro now features the essential tools so that users are able to measure certain areas with great precision.
Updating Information
The latest Google Earth Pro version also allows users to know about incremental information for a wide array of demographics, which include traffic count and parcels.
Still, many people complain because they were unable to download and install Google Earth Pro successfully. This is even with the use of their email address and license key: GEPFREE. Perhaps, some of them may not have the technical knowledge to do it by themselves. On the other hand, their devices might not be compliant with the minimum system requirements for downloading and installing Google Earth Pro.
Therefore, you need to check if your system qualifies for the installation of Google Earth Pro. First off, if you are using a PC, you should at least have Windows running on it, which include XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10+. Moreover, if you are on a Mac, try using OS X 10.6.0 or newer. Then, for Linux OS, you should have at least LSB 4.1 Linux Standard Base libraries.