Technology News, Tips and Tricks

Google Maps: Downloading a Useful Mapping App


Google Maps is a navigation app that offers real-time GPS navigation, location details and traffic information, among others. What makes it even better is that you can print the directions beforehand so you need not reach out to your phone while driving and just let your passenger be the designated navigator.

In newer Android devices, Google Maps is already installed and available for use offline online. You can also uninstall it if you prefer. Aside from real-time updates, you can also take advantage of lane guidance to ensure you never miss your exit or turn, Even without internet connection, you can still get directions and use the navigation features. Moreover, you can download multiple maps on both iPhone and Android devices as well as get driving directions offline.

However, using the app offline has its limitations. While you can use the maps to navigate to a postcode or particular address, you cannot search for shops and restaurants while not connected to the internet. Also, you will not be able to change the route or select walking and cycling directions as you would if you are online.

Downloading Google Maps

While you can download the map onto your smartphone, it can consume too much data and consume your data plan. If you download it and access it later offline, it is more practical. To do so, first launch the app from your device with GPS and see to it that you are signed in. You can check this by tapping the horizontal bars on the left side of the search bar to see your name and email address. Otherwise, you need to sign in.

You can now search for the location of your desired destination from the map. Once you see it, you can go to the Offline areas menu and select the blue + button. You can now zoom in or zoom out to see the streets and significant locations. You can now select the Download button so you can store the map on your phone’s internal memory or SD card and access it at anytime.

There are also less known Google Maps features you will find useful. These include viewing your travel history and sharing your location to friends. By knowing these tips and tricks, you can maximize your use of this helpful mapping application.

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