Google Play Store Gets New Updates and Functions
Google is currently rolling out a small, but important update for the Play Store. Briefly, the team is bringing a refresh to the My Apps screen, with the purpose of making everything much easier to manage.
So How Does This Help You?
With the most recent layout rolled out by the developers, you will see that you have a new Updates tab where you can see whatever updates are available. The Installed tab shows all the apps you have installed on the device, the Library tab presents you everything you ever downloaded, while the Beta tab gives you the chance to see the beta apps you are testing. If you are not enrolled in the beta program, then you won’t see the Beta tab.
Update All
Another facility that comes with this update is the Update All button. As such, now you don’t have to tap on the button next to each individual app in order to update them, which saves you time and effort.
Besides, the Installed section lets you sort your apps in different manners: alphabetically, by the last time you used it, by size or by the last time you updated it. Each of them is useful for a particular purpose. For example, the size criteria comes in handy when you want to clear up some space. However, the last used criteria is useful when you want to delete apps that you don’t really use, or you may have even forgotten about them.
You should see the update available soon, if you haven’t already, but even if you don’t, don’t panic! It might still take a couple of days until the file reaches all users. Up until now, people who installed it declared themselves satisfied with the new changes that proved to be really useful.