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The Top 5 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses

Young people are online. Older generations are online. The world is online. If your customers are online, then your business should be, too.

When surveyed, 51% of Americans prefer to shop online. And 96% of people have made online purchases at some point in their lives. Businesses need to capitalize on internet opportunities if they want to succeed.

Digital marketing refers to advertising through the internet or digital technologies. Digital marketing campaigns use websites, emails, search engines, social media, and so on. They may be paid SEM advertisements or SEO-based content strategies.

Digital marketing is becoming more popular. Businesses are decreasing traditional advertising spend (like TV, print, and radio). Instead, they are investing in digital marketing campaigns.

Why is this happening? Businesses know the benefits of digital marketing are huge. Online campaigns improve customer relationships lead to and better business growth.

Here are the top five advantages a digital campaign provides your business.


1. Affordability

Digital marketing allows businesses to increase their visibility. Digital marketing campaigns are less expensive than traditional media. Digital ads can reach the same audience, but with a lower expense.

Business owners can do their own digital marketing. But campaigns are most cost-effective when companies partner with digital agencies. Online marketing experts know how to make a marketing small budget go far.

The biggest investment of a digital marketing campaign is usually time. It can take a few rounds of trial-and-error and A/B testing to ensure a campaign is as effective as possible. But the cost-effective results digital campaigns produce are well worth the time.

2. Real-Time Data

Effective online marketing uses data to produce growth. The beauty of digital campaigns is everything is traceable and trackable. Marketers use real-time data to determine the campaign’s effectiveness.

Traditional campaigns cannot produce such fast and accurate numbers. Most traditional media companies aren’t able to immediately generate marketing reports.

Efficient marketers use data to make changes. Campaign trends identify strong and weak points of a campaign. Marketers make adjustments to increase the campaign’s effectiveness.

Marketers may also adjust marketing budgets for positive results. They can funnel money into successful campaigns. This prevents wasting advertising money on low-yielding campaigns.

3. Higher ROI

Cost-effective digital campaigns create a high return on investment (ROI). The higher your ROI, the more money the business generates from its investments.

Marketers find it difficult to produce a positive ROI through traditional media. Traditional marketing can be expensive, both in labor and production. The higher the investment, the higher the results need to be for a positive ROI.

Traditional marketing, such as TV ad, also make it difficult to determine ROI based on lack of data. Media companies usually present ratings and viewer statistics. However, it’s difficult to attribute how a TV ad resulted in a sale.

Digital marketing campaigns let business owners have control over the budget. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads only spend money when a customer clicks on the ad. PPC ads guarantee that as you pay more for your marketing, you see results.

Digital ads also include pixel tracking codes to determine conversion rates. Everything online is traceable, which digital marketers use that their advantage. Marketers analyze campaign data to determine if it resulted in a sale. In turn, marketers are able to determine more accurate ROIs.

4. Reach Your Niche Demographic

Digital marketing gives businesses significant control over who sees an advertisement. Detailed targeting saves money by only showing ads to their relevant demographic.

Marketers reach niche demographics with personalized ads. They use retargeting technology to reach customers who recently visited their site. Facebook has LookaLike audience tools. The feature shows ads to new customers that are similar to a company’s current customers.

Advanced targeting good isn’t just good news for digital marketers. Customers are happy, too. When asked, 71% of customers favor personalized advertisements compared to random ones.

If you’re looking to target a specific audience, working with niche marketers can help.

Marketers that specialize in certain industries offer advanced targeting to guarantee results. For example, brands within the solar industry should collaborate with solar marketing experts. Niche marketers can work with business owners to boost their ROI and generate more business.

5. Increase Brand Engagement

One of the top advantages of digital marketing is growing customer relationships. To do this, most brands turn to social media.

Digital ads are engaging. In marketing, engagement means creating meaningful interactions between people and brands. Higher engagement rates result in positive business growth.

As society becomes more digital, brands can use the internet to build relationships. Many companies use social media to increase their engagement and interact with clients. About 74% of people follow brands on social media. Out of those who follow brands, 94% also interact with the companies online.

Brands use social media marketing to stay in touch with their customers. They may also use social posts to update users on new products or services. Facebook encourages customer reviews and recommendations. Brands collaborate with Instagram influencers to reach their target demographics and increase followers.

Brands like Amazon (@AmazonHelp) and JetBlue (#FlyingItForward) use Twitter to troubleshoot problems. The brands have transformed their customer service tactics to enhance customer communication. The results have shown higher customer satisfaction rates.

Wendy’s is another example of a brand using social media to boost engagement. The company started using Twitter to roast its number one competitor, McDonald’s. As the hilarious tweets continued, Wendy’s followers increased by over 970,000.

Explore More Benefits of Digital Marketing

The benefits of digital marketing go on and on. Online advertising leads to increased brand engagement, higher ROIs, and cost-effective marketing campaigns. Digital platforms offer advanced targeting. Its impressive data metrics allow marketers to create effective campaigns.

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