What is the Easiest Smartphone to Fix?
Did you know that statistically two smartphones break every second in the United States? Oftentimes, these problems aren’t even the fault of the phone owner.
Many phone companies intentionally put weak parts or batteries in their phone, so that you will eventually need to spend more to replace it.
If you’re tired of constantly paying for costly repairs on your phone, then it’s time to find a model that is easy to repair. In this article, we’ll go over what we think is the easiest smartphone to fix by yourself.
Best of the Best: Fairphone 3
If you’re tired of expensive repairs and replacement parts, then the Fairphone 3 is the smartphone of your dreams. The company offers replaceable modules that you can buy when your parts naturally start to give.
For example, when your battery life starts to go, you can purchase a new part from Fairphone and replace it yourself. Most of the repairs can be made with non-proprietary tools like screwdrivers, so you don’t require any specialized parts.
As the name suggests, the goal of this smartphone is to create a product that is both fair for the consumer and the people who mine and construct the phones.
The company only uses recycled and fair trade materials for its phones. What’s more, Fairphone offers a two-year warranty on their products, so you know they’re made to last a long time.
Easiest Smartphone to Repair Runners Ups
These smartphones aren’t as repair-friendly as the Fairphone 3, but they are good alternative options. The list includes the following smartphones:
- Motorola DROID Bionic
- Motorola Atrix 4G
- Samsung Galaxy Note II
So what makes it easier to repair than the average smartphone? Well, for one thing, they’re all easy to open up — you don’t need professional help to accomplish it.
They also come with relatively inexpensive replacement parts and you can easily find helpful internal diagrams online. The act of replacing them doesn’t require professional knowledge either. The repair process is relatively simple.
Worst Smartphones to Fix
Unfortunately, not all phones are easy to repair — some require advanced/expensive parts, specialized knowledge, and specific tools for repairs. If you frequently break your phone, then avoid these models at all costs:
- HTC One
- Apple iPhone (older models)
- Motorola DROID 4
What Should You Do If Your Phone’s Too Hard To Fix?
If your phone is on the list that’s hard to fix, or you aren’t confident in your repair abilities, then you should seek out professional help. Otherwise, you’ll likely spend unnecessary time and money on a repair that won’t work.
Luckily, there are many phone repair shops out there that can help you. Fixit is a great source if you’re asking yourself, ‘where’s a good place to fix phone near me?’.
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