10 Really Cool Things to Do With Android Phones (Some Will Surprise You!)
There are more than 2.5 billion devices running Android today.
The operating system has proven itself versatile and agile.
There are also some downright cool things to do with Android phones.
If you have an Android phone, check out some of these options. You may not have known some of them existed!
1. Let Your Phone Become Your Remote
Anyone who lived through the 1990s or early 2000s understands the pain of losing the TV remote.
In fact, it’s still a common joke. Even today, losing the remote for your Apple TV or another device can be a bit of a pain.
With your Android phone, you’ll always have the remote in your hand. Many Android devices come fitted with infrared blasters, which are the same technology TVs use. With the click of just a few buttons, you can turn your phone into your remote.
2. Get the Weather Report in Your Hand
Another of the many cool things to do on Android is getting a picture of the weather right in your hand.
Your Android phone can act as a thermometer. It can also check in on the humidity.
This feature is only available for some phones, such as Samsung Galaxies. If you don’t have one, you can also check out the various apps in the Google Play store. Since the hardware has the capability, you just need the software.
Your Android can even act as a barometer. You can also load a compass, so you’ll never get lost in the wilderness again.
3. Solve Math Equations with a Picture
If you’re like most people, then one of the things to do on your phone is use the built-in calculator for quick addition.
This can be handy for figuring out tips or splitting the bill at a restaurant.
What if your phone could help you solve more complex equations? It can! Snap a picture and your phone will consult with Google search.
In an instant, you’ll have the answers you’re looking for. We don’t recommend this for finishing up your homework in short order, but if you’re stumped, it can be a huge helping hand.
4. Move Information between Devices with Android
We have so many more devices today than ever before.
You probably have a phone, plus a smartwatch, a computer, and a tablet. You may have other smart devices, too.
One of the big problems, then, is how much data we have on each device. Suppose you were reading a fascinating article on your laptop, but then left it at home when you went to catch the bus. Now you’re stuck on public transit for half-an-hour, and all you have is your phone.
Lucky for you, Android makes it easy to move information between all your devices. So long as you use Google Chrome for your browser, you can access tabs on any Android device.
To do it, simply click the icon of folders with arrows in bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Now you can finish that article.
5. Use it as a Fitness Tracker
One of the many cool things for phones in recent years has been fitness apps.
Many people use an app to keep a fitness log. Others connect a smartwatch or fitness tracker to an app on their phone.
Some Android devices don’t even need a smartwatch or a smart wristband. The phone can simply measure your heart rate, among other statistics. The Google Fit app is available for free, too, and it can help you boost your fitness tracking.
6. Save Time with Swipe and Gesture Typing
One of the most frustrating experiences on a phone has to be typing.
It’s one of the reasons people use chat-speak and emojis so much. We’ve all heard jokes about autocorrect, too.
What if you could make typing easier? You can with your Android phone. Swipe and gesture typing is often easier for users.
With it, you can swipe between two letters on the keyboard, which makes it much easier to type. Whether you just need to send a quick note or you’re trying to type a novel, enabling this feature can save you time and frustration.
7. Cool Things to Do With Android Include Loads of Customization
One of the coolest things about Android phones is how customizable they are.
You can download a ton of cool features to make your phone uniquely yours.
Some apps will let you do things like changing all your icons into Pokemon balls. Other apps will let you set GIFs are your background.
There are also plenty of choices if you’re looking for free ringtones for your Android device. With a custom ringtone, you’ll always know when it’s your phone that’s ringing.
8. Control Custom Devices
Among the cool things to do with Android phones is use them to control custom devices.
Over the years, people have rigged up some interesting devices and used their Android phones to control them.
Good examples include a customized gaming console and a 3D printed drone. Integrating these devices with your Android phone does take a bit of know-how. If you have the time to learn, it’s a cool project with impressive results.
9. Go Old School and Connect to a Floppy Disk
This is one of the quirkiest things your Android phone can do.
If you have some old technology kicking around, you can connect to today’s technology too.
You can’t just insert a floppy disk into your phone, but you can connect to a USB floppy disk drive via your Android phone. If you want to retrieve some old files from a floppy disk, your Android phone can help.
10. Find Your Phone
This last cool feature of your Android phone can be a real life-saver if you happen to misplace your phone.
The device manager allows you to ring your phone through your Google account.
If you’ve lost your phone, you can also lock it using this feature. That way, no one can use it and access your accounts. With this feature, you’ll stay safe!
Make Your Phone Even Smarter
As you can see, there’s no shortage of cool things to do with Android.
Discover more about what your phone can do with our informative articles and the latest news.
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