iOS 11.2 Beta 3 Download and Install Available with Top Features
Apple is planning of making major changes into its operating system with the introduction of the new iOS 11.2. The previous iOS 11.1 had minor bug fixes and some new emojies, but the newest iOS 11.2 Beta 3 is already bringing big changes. Those interested can try it, even without owning a developer’s account.
How to download iOS 11.2 Beta 3
- Make sure to backup your iPhone
- Head to apple.com
- Sing in with an Apple ID and download a profile
- Download will begin automatically
Is there a difference between the developer and public betas?
If you followed the steps and have the newest iOS 11.2 Beta 3, but still want to make sure it has all the features available to developers, then you can do it. However, experts say that the two are the same; the only exception is that the developer only beta was seeded some hours before the public one.
iOS 11.2 Beta 3
Apple released on Monday the newest iOS update. For those who want to know, these are some of the changes and new features:
- The Wi-Fi toggle turn white when disconnected
- The Bluetooth toggle turns white when disconnected
- There is a new message which explains the Bluetooth Control Center toggle
- There is a new message explaining the Wi-Fi Control Center toggle
- A new Control Center Lock screen indicator (upper right-hand corner)
Other features available with the new iOS 11.2 beta are:
- The calculator bug has been fixed
- Apple Cash Pay beta is being implemented
- New pricing options for subscription apps
- iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X still wallpapers will be available on other iPhone models as well
- feedback app included.