10 Ways to Improve Your Work Performance
The average employee is interrupted from their work around 56 times a day.
Aside from producing work in a timely fashion, it’s also important to create high-quality projects that you’re proud of. Perhaps you’re struggling with distractions or your standard of work is slipping.
Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 ways to improve your work performance.
1. Plan and Prioritize Your Day
An easy way to improve your performance at work is planning your day.
Create a list of tasks at the beginning of the day so you know what to do and when each one is due. Consider which tasks are a priority and match that with your energy level in the day. For instance, if you need to write a report then schedule this for the morning when you’re the most alert and productive.
2. Set Realistic Goals
If you’re wondering how to improve your performance at work, know you must set realistic goals.
When you accept off days, it won’t affect your productivity as much as trying to power through it. To make it easier, set three big goals to achieve in a year and turn them into bite-size chunks. It’s wise to create weekly and monthly objectives so you’re constantly chipping away at your end goal.
You should also visualize your goals, short- and long-term, as it’ll help you make decisions easily. For instance, you can decide whether to commit to a particular project or volunteer if it makes it easier to achieve your objective.
3. Tackle Difficult Tasks First
“How do you improve your work performance?” You ask.
As Mark Twain said, “eat the frog” first thing in the morning. This means you tackle the hardest task first as it’ll ease your mind and motivate you to complete the smaller items on your list. You should also consider how long each task will take and its difficulty so you can properly plan and prioritize your to-do list.
And although it’s tempting to ditch a task you’re struggling with, don’t. Stay focused and complete it so you can enjoy a sense of accomplishment and work towards your next goal without the burden of multiple half-finished projects.
4. Streamline Communication
Communication is the key to improve your performance especially if you’re working as a team.
When you properly communicate, you learn new methods, achieve better results, and boost your work performance. Instead of firing off countless emails, use communication tools to help you like team messaging apps and video conferencing software. You should also use globalvision.co as it double-checks your work to ensure there are no mistakes.
5. Avoid Distractions
Still wondering “how could you improve your performance at work?”
Start by cutting distractions as it’ll disrupt your workflow. Consider what’s on your desk and make sure everything you need (e.g. office supplies) is within arm’s reach. And hide sources of distractions like your phone so you’re not tempted.
6. Be Mindful of Your Limits
Aside from energy levels, it’s crucial to understand your limits regarding your workload. A major sign is if you feel drained, distracted, and are seeking distractions. Instead of pushing through and risking burnout, take a break or switch to a less taxing task until you’re replenished.
7. Never Multitask
If you’re struggling to perform well then make sure you’re not multitasking. This is because you’re not fully focusing on one task so it’ll take longer to complete it. So, for example, dedicate a specific time to reply to emails or phone calls so they’re not disrupting your work session.
8. Create a Healthy Work-Life Balance
You must have a healthy work-life balance if you want to improve your work performance. Dedicate time to hobbies and get enough rest so you don’t get burned out. You should also alleviate stress levels whether it’s meditating, attending social events, and regularly exercising.
9. Take Breaks
Taking breaks is crucial so you don’t experience fatigue during the work day. Although it’s tempting to spend your break scrolling on Instagram and guzzling coffee, instead optimize your lunch hour so you return to work with a clear mind.
For instance, go for a walk around your local park or find a quiet place to meditate, a lifesaver on a busy day. Avoid loading up on food from vending machines, instead eat nutritious snacks and a feel-good lunch like a salmon salad.
On days where you can’t squeeze in several 15 minute breaks, make sure you have microbreaks. This can be 10 seconds to several minutes where you can stretch, drink a glass of water, and step away from the screen.
10. Plan Meetings Well
In 2019, pointless meetings cost U.S companies a staggering $399 billion.
Because of this, you must optimize meetings so they’re engaging, productive, and succinct. You can spend hours constructing the perfect meeting but make sure it’s short and that the key points are stated at the get-go.
The meeting should have a clear agenda and if you need participants to take notes, inform them beforehand so no one’s scrabbling for pens and paper. You should also check everyone’s availability, ideally in the morning, and if you’re setting goals then make sure everyone knows what they’re expected to do.
That’s How to Improve Your Work Performance
Hopefully, after reading this article, you now know how to improve your work performance.
You must strive for a healthy work-life balance and prioritize your wellbeing so you can maximize your productivity. You should also tackle difficult tasks first, set realistic goals, and be mindful of your limits so you constantly produce great work. Good luck!
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