4 Energy (and Money) Saving Tips for Small Businesses
Energy costs are in the top three expenses that many small businesses face.
Running a small business is hard enough without having to pay extreme utility bills. Well, you no longer have to.
Thanks to society’s progress towards energy conservation and research, there are a few proven ways to significantly reduce your energy bill.
Read on to learn how to save on electricity as a small business and keep more of your money in your pocket.
1. Turn it Off and Unplug It
It may seem obvious to turn the lights off when you’re not using them, but it’s easy to forget.
The issue is people don’t tend to think about the rooms their not it. Rooms like the bathroom and breakroom often have their lights left on throughout the day – racking up money. A lot of waste also comes from leaving lights and equipment on overnight.
Installing motion-detecting lights or even putting a label on a light switch or door can help with energy savings. It’s also advised to use natural lighting from windows throughout the day as much as possible.
Other than lighting, the real hidden costs come in the form of phantom loads. This is the wasted energy expelled by appliances that are left plugged in. Even if they’re not turned on, a certain amount of electricity is wasted.
2. Consider an Energy Audit
An energy audit is when a professional in energy management comes to your house or place of business and assesses areas of wasted energy. They’re also able to tell you what your minimum energy expenditure can be. This can serve as a motivating goal.
Areas of wasted energy can be anywhere, from issues in your building’s insulation to air leaks and bad windows. These are all opportunities for you to save.
For example, double-pane windows are suggested over single-pane because less energy can escape through them.
3. Get Energy-Efficient Equipment
If you’re wondering how to save on electricity, one of the easiest ways is to get energy-efficient equipment.
Due to society’s trend towards energy conservation, there are a growing number of products that are considered energy efficient. This equipment uses less electricity to function. Energy-efficient brands are easy to find because it’s usually their main selling point and boldly listed on the packaging.
Energy-saving products, from light bulbs to printers, are going to be more expensive than their competitors. It’s important to remember that they will save you more money in the long run.
4. Practice HVAC Maintenance
Your HVAC is the system responsible for your building’s heating and air conditioning. Both of these contribute a large amount to your energy bill, especially if you live somewhere with cold or hot weather.
You can save energy by making sure your HVAC system works properly and efficiently. This includes confirming that the air ducts through the building don’t have leaks.
Know How to Save on Electricity
Knowing how to save on electricity is the first step to making expensive energy bills a thing of the past.
If you remember to turn off the lights, unplug equipment you’re not using, get an energy audit, use energy-efficient equipment, and maintain your HVAC system, you’ll be saving large amounts of money in no time.
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