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5 Life Hacks For Setting Secure Passwords

Passwords! We have a love-hate relationship with them because while they are a good safety measure, they are getting easier and easier to breach and harder to remember. It’s recommended to have strong and secure passwords for all websites you visit, but really, who can keep up?

Did you know that the most commonly used passwords include things like “qwerty” “password” or “123456.” They may be easy to remember, but they are just as easy to hack. If like most people you also use a similar password for multiple accounts, you’ll endanger all your data at the same time. 

Hackers have been trying to steal passwords since the existence of the internet. Poor passwords lead to more than 80 percent of company data breaches. There may be no such thing as an unbeatable password because professional hackers will always use sophisticated hardware and software to hack accounts they really need. 

Still, there are several ways you can make it hard for them by strengthening your passwords. In this post, we’ll share some awesome life hacks that will help you create strong passwords that are hard to crack, keeping your data safe. 


1. Use Quirky Characters for Secure Passwords

One of the best ways of achieving secure passwords is by using quirky character types in your passwords. You must understand that hackers use state-of-the-art technology to test different combinations of letters, numbers and symbols. It gets easier to decode shorter passwords, but it may be a complicated process for long ones.

The thing is, the software has to keep trying different combinations, and most websites only offer several password entries before blocking an account. This means that the more quirky symbols you add to your password, the harder it is for the software to decode your credentials. The hacker is more likely to get locked out of the website before they can hack the correct password.

2. Use Long Passwords or Paraphrases

Beyond that, you need to make your passwords long enough to evade hacker’s tactics. When hackers use the “brute force attack,” an advanced method used to guess passwords, they have an easier time cracking passwords with the first attempt. 

The longer you make your passwords, and the more complex they are, the harder it will be for them to decipher. Apart from making passwords long, you may also use paraphrases that are easier for you to remember.

Avoid using dictionary words because if words are not published, they are not grammatically correct and hence hard to crack. Avoid using numbers or letters in sequence on the keyboard since they are easier to guess. For instance, numerous people use “qwerty” as a password, something anyone can crack. 

Mix up letters, numbers and symbols randomly to spice it up. Substitute numbers for letters and vice versa. For instance, substitute @ for A and zero for O. If you choose to go with a paraphrase, you can capitalize the first letter of every word, complicating it further.

3. Avoid Obvious Personal Information

You’d be surprised at the number of people who use personal information such as birthdays, anniversaries, addresses, and pet names as passwords. Avoid making these common mistakes because such information is easily discoverable and easy to access. 

If you need to use security questions, avoid using questions whose answers are easy to find on your social media accounts. Additionally, you should not reuse passwords for two or more accounts or websites. 

4. Use a Password Manager

Given the advancement of technology, it’s possible to use a password manager if you are having a hard time generating secure passwords. One of the best things about using a password manager is the fact that the information is stored in a centralized and encrypted location. You get to have one master password that safeguards all other passwords. 

There are many secure passwords apps out there, some of which are free while others are paid for. Some password managers such as SpyCloud Active Directory Guardian come with sophisticated features that allow you to sync your passwords across different devices. They also audit passwords to ensure you do not use similar passwords in different locations.

Some of the most significant benefits of using a password manager are to generate secure passwords and have fast access to them. You will not waste time fumbling with logins or trying to recover forgotten passwords. 

5. Use a Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor authentication makes it harder for hackers to get through. Even when a hacker gets your password, accessing your account still won’t be easy. You see, two-factor authentication requires users to know something extra, such as a code sent to your phone. In such a case, a hacker would require to have both your password and your phone in order to get the code and access the account. 

Bonus Point: Keep Passwords Under Wraps

Never give your passwords to anyone and avoid typing them in your device within plain sight of others. Plastering passwords on sticky notes is not advisable either and if you have to store them in a file, give it a random name, so it’s hard for snoopers to guess where the passwords are. 

To have secure passwords, you could also consider changing them after a while. Once you change them, avoid reusing them again. This is so much easier if you decide to use a secure password generator. A professional passwords app will keep your information safe enough that you won’t need to write them on sticky notes or a notepad, which will enhance your security. 

Keep It Complex!

The more complicated your passwords are, the harder they’ll be to crack. Using a secure password generator can save you all the trouble of coming up with new secure passwords each time you need to sign up to an account. Take the right measures today and safeguard your delicate information. 

Cybersecurity has become a very delicate issue, and the last thing you need is some stranger accessing your data and stealing your identity. A lot of things can go wrong is that were to happen, so take matters into your hands.

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