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6 Tips on Hosting Move Nights Outside for Beginners

If you’ve been looking for a way to save money and host a great party, you’ve come to the right place. Outdoor movie nights are easy to set up once you have the right equipment, and they skip the high-priced concessions. 

But if you’re planning on hosting movie nights, you’ve got to be prepared. Below, we have six quick tips to help ensure that your next home theater get-together is one to remember!

Keep reading for hints that will make your house the place to be this summer.


1. Select a Movie

When it comes to movie night, you’ve got to pick the perfect flick! Consider your audience and what you know about them. Will there be kids? Is it a crowd that likes scary movies? What are some classic prison movies to watch?

If you like, select a few candidates to put to a vote at the party. Otherwise, keep it a surprise or let people known ahead of time so you can get feedback.

2. Plan Your Snacks

You can’t have a movie night without snacks! You don’t need to put on a buffet, but having a decent selection is a good idea.

Make sure to include movie theater classics like popcorn and candy. If you’re interested in providing a more substantial meal, consider ordering pizza or take-out. 

If you’re inviting a crowd who enjoys drinking, stock up on beer, wine, or whatever other adult beverages they might enjoy. Don’t forget to provide soda, water, or other virgin beverages for those who are interested in alcohol. 

3. Get the Right Tech

To make sure your viewing party goes off without a hitch, you’ll need to run a technology check ahead of time.

Ensure that you have all the tools you need and that they’re all in working order. Have things set up before guests arrive, and run a quick sound check to ensure everything is working.

If you’re going to use a computer, make sure it’s charged or can be plugged in outside.

4. Make Things Comfortable

No one wants to watch a movie sitting on concrete! Make sure you have enough comfy seating and plenty of cushions to go around.

If you’re having your viewing in the evening, have some blankets handy in case anyone gets chilly. 

And don’t forget to take measures against pesky mosquitos!

5. Start a Conversation

Movies aren’t just for watching, they’re for discussing! To make the most of your movie night, anticipate some time afterward will go to discussing the movie or even just talking.

Make sure you have enough food and drinks to last the night, and ensure that your viewing area will be comfortable enough to spend plenty of time on. 

6. Plan Your Lighting

Once you have everything planned out, you can put the icing on the cake.

String lights and tiki torches are popular outdoor lighting accessories that never go out of style, and they help keep things from being too dark.

You still want your guests to be able to see when they get up for a refill or a bathroom break!

Tips for Hosting Movie Nights

You don’t have to travel far for summer fun! Hosting a movie night is a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors and your loved ones without any drive times or long lines.
With these six quick tips, you’ll be well on your way to hosting movie nights the whole neighborhood will want in on!
Looking for more advice on everything from finance to party planning? Check out the rest of our site for posts you won’t want to miss!

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