9 Most Important Online Security Tips You Have to Know
Are you trying to get work done but you’re not sure if someone might hack into your WiFi network and steal the data? Are you worried about ads running malware on your computer, granting hackers access to your information?
Don’t fret, there are multiple ways to stay safe and secure! We’ve got a list here of 9 online security tips to help you fight off viruses, hacks, and more. Read our guide below to learn more.
1. Backup Your Data
Ever heard of ransomware attacks? It’s when hackers break into multiple computers on a single network and then encrypt the data stored. They’ll then demand a ransom, otherwise, they’ll delete the data or use it for other nefarious reasons.
You can prevent ransomware attacks by backing up your data regularly. If you run a business, it’s better to update your data daily and on multiple storage devices. Have one backup available offsite and the others available through cloud services.
With a backup available, you can ignore ransomware attacks and simply wipe your computer clean. Use the backup to restore the lost information.
2. Difficult Passwords
If you want to reduce the chances of people breaking into your system and stealing information, don’t settle for easy passwords! Avoid using the most common passwords, like qwerty, 123456, and password1. Don’t use your name, birth date, or the name of your kid or pet as a password either.
Use complex passwords, with 12-16 characters. Mix lower case letters with upper case letters. Add numbers and special characters when allowed.
Can you use more than 10 characters for a password? Try using an ASCII password!
3. Change Your Passwords
No matter how careful you are, there will always be a chance of a good hacker breaking into your system. You can fend them off, however, by changing your password regularly. Even if they get your password, they won’t be able to get anything if you change passwords every three weeks.
Worried you’ll forget your passwords if you keep changing them? Don’t fret, there are now password managers to help you keep track. These can store all your passwords, meaning you’ll only need to memorize passwords for one account instead of all of them.
4. Encryption Options
Every time you have to expose your device and data to an open network, say for example when you have to email files to a client, make sure you use encryption tools! Even Gmail has an encryption option when sending emails.
The best method, however, is to use a VPN tool. These mask your IP address and encrypt everything you do. It’s far safer than simply using the incognito mode of a browser.
5. Stick With Trusted Devices
As much as possible, stick with devices you own. Don’t hop from one office computer to the next. If you can, bring your laptop and use that instead of using whichever unit is available.
If you have to use a public computer, make sure to use a VPN. Don’t stop there, though. Make sure you clear your browsing history, clean cache, and backup all the work you did on the cloud and an offline device, like a mobile hard drive.
6. Check for Secure Connections
Before you download a file, check if the site you’re on has an SSL certificate. This certificate proves the site features modern security measures. It’s easy to spot — look for the “HTTPS” code and padlock symbol at the beginning of the URL.
If there’s no padlock and you only see “HTTP” on the address bar, you risk exposure to hackers and malware. When there’s no other option and you have to get a file from that site, use a VPN or use a virtual machine instead.
7. Update Frequently!
Everything, from the software you use for document encoding to your laptop’s operating system, gets updates. Most people look forward to updates because of the bug fixes and new features but these updates also introduce better security features too.
There’s no better example than Apple and iOS. iOS is the operating system for the company’s mobile devices, such as the iPad and iPhone.
Ever wondered why iOS gets multiple updates? It’s not only to fix glitches and bugs but it’s also to prevent hackers from jailbreaking the newest iPhone. Jailbreakers ruin the iOS marketplace because a jailbroken iPhone can download and run pirated apps.
8. Think Before You Click
Trying to access a .doc to PDF conversion site or a third-party cloud storage service but there’s a pop-up blocking the way? Don’t immediately click on it, even if it’s to close it! Simply clicking on these notifications and pop-ups could grant access to malware and spyware.
Practice caution before clicking on anything! Don’t download from any random site or click on ads you don’t trust.
If you can, install plugins to prevent pop-up ads and to automatically scan for malware.
9. Use Anti-Malware and Anti-Virus Software
Speaking of installing things to keep hackers and viruses away, make sure you have anti-malware and anti-virus programs installed!
There are a bunch of free ones out there and they can get the job done but it’s better to pay for the premium versions. These give you more options to identify, vault, and eliminate viruses.
As mentioned, don’t forget to update your anti-virus software too!
Running a full scan can and will slow down your computer so you might not want to do one daily. That said, at least keep other features like file scanning active. This guarantees safety whenever you have to download files from a site you’ve never been to before.
Follow These Online Security Tips to Stay Safe!
The World Wide Web can be a scary place. You’ll find reports of people getting hacked or scammed almost daily. Fortunately, following these online security tips can keep you away from the receiving end of a nasty ransomware attack or virus attack!
Of course, there are other important details to learn when it comes to online security. If you want more content like this, you should check out our other articles, right here!
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