Technology News, Tips and Tricks

4 Repair Options for Replacing a Broken iPhone Screen

Why is it that whenever we drop our iPhones, they always land screen down? Nobody knows for sure, but we do know that the fall will leave a mark.

If you’re in luck, the screen will only develop a crack or scratch. This is something you can try to fix with home remedies such as toothpaste. Sometimes, though, the screen will shatter, and your only option will be to replace it.

Even if this happens, you still have some decent options at your disposal. Here are four ways you can go about fixing an iPhone screen.


1. Apple

Are you paying for AppleCare+? If you do, your decision is easy: send your iPhone to Apple. This service includes repairs for two cases of accidental damage. Regardless of your iPhone model, the repair will always set you back at a flat rate of $29.

Without AppleCare+, replacing an iPhone screen won’t be as cheap. You can still send the device to Apple, but their warranty doesn’t cover accidental damage. The repair costs can vary, so get in touch with Apple to find out what they charge.

2. Online Repairs

There are plenty of online repair services that can fix your iPhone screen for you. The way it works is you send the device to them, they complete the repairs, and return it to you. It’s a refreshingly simple method, particularly during a pandemic.

In general, repairing the screen this way tends to be cheaper than doing it via Apple. That said, these services use replacement parts rather than the Apple-approved ones. This method also voids your Apple warranty, so tread carefully.

3. Third-Party Retailers

Do you prefer a more personal approach to iPhone screen repair? If so, consider going to an independent low-cost repair shop. Choose one with a good reputation — an unskilled repair person could cause even more damage to the phone.

Again, you should only opt for this option if you’re comfortable with replacement parts. Keep in mind that cheap screens break more often than official Apple parts. Another common complaint involves the screen becoming unresponsive to touch.

4. DIY Methods

Websites such as iFixit provide detailed tutorials on how to fix an iPhone screen. Every step contains a high-resolution picture showing you what you need to do. Once you find the right tutorial, you can buy the parts you need directly from the site.

The main issue with this method is that some tutorials are more difficult than others. If you’re not confident in your technical ability, it’s better to leave this job to the pros. Remember: any unauthorized repairs will void your warranty.

More on Fixing an iPhone Screen

Though these tips will help you fix an iPhone screen, the best cure is prevention. Using an iPhone case and screen protector will dramatically reduce the risk of cracked screens. If you’re still worried, consider shelling out for AppleCare+.

Want to know more about the finer details of how an iPhone works? Interested in other iPhone screen repair options? Keep checking out our Mobile section!

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