APKPure surpasses Aptoide for first time, Uptodown still best for Google Play Store alternatives
APKPure surpassing Aptoide, Uptodown still best for Google Play Store alternatives
APKPure vs Aptoide
The battle between the app industries is surely one of the most interesting battle in the apps market since APKPure surpasses Aptoide in terms of number of visits for this year. The average duration of visits for APKPure is 3.14 minutes while APToide has 2.44 minutes. APKPure has 110.59 million number of visits while its rival has 46.36 million visits for this year. Most of the visits are coming from countries such as Brazil, United States, France, Mexico, Turkey and many other countries. The number of countries make it hard to mention the countries involve since they are 249 other countries involve in the statistics.
This is one of the tops sites, wherein you can download your favorite games and apps for mobile devices. Visiting the site, I learned that some of the following games are the top downloads for the last 24 hours. And if you like games, this information would be important for you since you are sure that they are good. They are PUBG Mobile, Legend of Brave, Rocket Royale and many more. While you might not find some of them interesting, you would have an idea on what is the best in the industry and from there, you can make your own choices. For Apps; people are into Instagram, Vidmate, WhatsAPP Messenger, and Google Play Store seems to be among the top choices.
This is one of those sites wherein you can download your favorite apps and games. It seems that most of the apps and games that are available in APKPure can also be found here. It’s a free app so you wouldn’t have a problem, regarding money. The apps and games are all categorize so you would have an easier time to find what you want.
Uptodown king for Google Play Store Alternatives
If you are tired of the two, don’t worry since there is an alternative and based from the stats from SimilarWeb, it is the best in the industry among Play Store alternatives. It have 231.82 million visits for the last 6 months. Most of the visits’ duration seems to be alright since visitors are staying there for an average of 2:52 minutes. Most of the visits are coming from some of the top countries such as Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Argentina and 249 other countries.
Like the first two, this site is legit and, you can download some of the apps and games that you would like to be available on your mobile device. They have games and apps for Ubuntu, Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone and WebApps. If you want to the best apps then it would be wise to look at some of the top download of the sites because it would tell you how much people like those games and apps. For sure, they are all good games and apps.