Apps for Addicts: The 4 Best Addiction Recovery Apps
Nowadays, there really is an app for everything. In fact, there are 2.1 million apps on Apple’s store alone.
If you’re an addict, did you know that phone applications can help you in your recovery? Read on to learn about the best addiction recovery apps.
If none of these work for you, visit the app store yourself to find more! A little nudge in the right direction in the form of an app could make a big difference to your recovery.
1. Meditation to Aid Addiction
Did you know, mindfulness meditation can help in your recovery. By building a practice of meditation, you’ll be able to find what your triggers are for addiction.
Are you reaching for the bottle when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, or angry? By sitting down to meditate instead of giving in to your addiction, you’ll quickly be able to assess your thoughts and learn why you’re feeling this way.
Of course, meditating is not easy for anyone let alone those who are doing it instead of giving into their addiction. So, in order to help yourself, use apps such as:
- Calm – this app offers a 10 minute Daily Calm option which will help you build up a good routine of focusing and calming your mind.
- Headspace – this is one of the most popular apps around and will help you by tracking how many days in a row you manage to meditate.
By listening to guided meditations, you can simply focus on someone else’s voice and get lost in what they’re saying rather than your own thoughts.
2. Sobriety Counters
Sometimes, when it all gets too much and you’re thinking about throwing all your hard work away, simply checking your sobriety counter can help.
Just a few weeks of controlling your addiction is worth celebrating. With apps such as “I Am Sober“, you can track your journey and log your milestones.
3. Speak to Other Recovering Addicts
If you are struggling, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to speak to someone who understands what you are going through.
Whether this is by using an app to find the next 12-Step Group Meeting or by downloading the app called Sober Grid, you can always find help.
Sober Grid is a free app which enables users to connect to sober people around the world and in their community.
Addiction Treatment Services are never hard to find and you should reach out as soon as you need help.
4. AA or NA Speakers
These apps are very useful for when you need motivation. You can listen to the trials and tribulations or other addicts to help you continue.
With these apps, you’ll also have access to workbooks and audiobooks. They are great for when you can’t get to a meeting but still need the help.
Addiction Recovery Apps are Plentiful
Addiction recovery apps can be found very easily. But, as with all things in life, you’ll need to first try a few out to figure out what will work best for you and your needs.
Don’t give up after the first try. Apps could make a huge difference in your recovery.
Need a few more ideas of how apps can change your life? Check out our dedicated category.
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