Technology News, Tips and Tricks

Getting Clean? Download Yourself a Sobriety App

When you’re one of 22 million people dealing with substance abuse issues, you need all of the help, support and tools that you need.

In this regard, one of the best things you can do is get your hands on a sobriety app that can help you out. There are apps that will keep you on track, give you motivation and provide you with support.

To learn more about which apps are best for you, consider the following options.


Sober Grid

This is a social media platform that lets you connect with other people trying to get sober and stay sober. You’ll be able to create an account and share your updates and progress.

One of the best parts of the app is that you get to check in with accountability and let others know when you are sober and when you have a relapse. It even features GPS technology that lets you link up with other people in your area that are sober.

For instance, if you are traveling for business, you know that drinks and cocktail hours are generally part of the process. You can open up the app and find some outings that let you enjoy sights and attractions with other people that are trying to stay sober.

My Sober Life

My Sober Life is intended for the younger generation, typically for people 25 years old or younger. Substance abuse is something that hits young people just as hard, so this outlet can help them during those formative years.

This is important as they go through the high school and college years, where peer pressure is at its highest. With this app you will be able to set and track goals, find meetups and more.


This app allows you to track streaks of all kinds. You’ll be able to set it up so that you know how long you’ve been sober. This acts as a means of motivation, so that you are able to feel a sense of pride in your progress.


With Headspace, you get access to various meditations that will help keep you centered. By undergoing meditation sessions each day, you’ll be better able to recognize your craving triggers and move forward in your life.

By addressing the mental aspect to addiction, it’s easier to stay clean for the long-term.

AA Speakers

With this app, you’ll get access to plenty of Alcoholics Anonymous speakers that can share their experiences. This will provide you with lots of motivation and inspiration to get you through your days.

Stay On Point With a Sobriety App

If you’d like to stay sober for the long-term, it’s important to set yourself up with the tools that will help you out. By getting your hands on a sobriety app, you’ll have the help that you need right on your mobile device.

Consider these apps and stay tuned to see more helpful hacks that can change your life.

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