Google Maps Impressive Update – Discover Saturn & Jupiter Moons
We’ve seen how many features Google Maps has brought to us along time and now we get more! We can explore Saturn and Jupiter moons and many more planets: Mercury, Venus, our Moon, Mars, Ceres, and Pluto. But we can also look at Jupiter large Moons: Io, Europa, and Ganymede. There are also some Saturnian moons: Mimas, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea, Titan, and Iapetus.
Google Maps’ First Steps: Spinnable Celestial Bodies and Slightly Mismatched Locations
You can rotate the moons and see them as they are seen in space. What you didn’t probably know is that Google Maps doesn’t show you true 3D models of the planets and moons, it shows you maps that have been stretched over the spheres.
Last week Google Maps launched this feature, but their maps were incorrectly aligned on the spheres, and showed wrong information. Now they have fixed the issue, and everything is where it should be.
On the planets and the moons, you will see some names added to surfaces, which have been given for a better orientation. There are some issues on different celestial bodies, for example Enceladus isn’t around moon, it’s a bit flattened, but Google projected the map on a spherical model, messing up the poles and placing them in incorrect places.
You also have to zoom in and see the exact location of that named surface – and you will also see some craters (if there are any), but not as many details as you can find on the maps that have been created by the Geological Survey of the US.
What Google Maps offers us is the ability to look at those planets and moons that we have mentioned above and spin them and match them to photographs. It is a great step from Google and we are happy they have added this new service!