Technology News, Tips and Tricks

How to Design a Website Layout to Boost Conversions

Are you ready to launch your business website?

Before you do, make sure your website layout will help you boost conversions. You want every visitor to like, share, subscribe, or purchase. You want every visitor to take profitable action before they leave. 

Not sure how to design a website layout? We’ve got several crucial tips to help you get started. Read our guide below to learn how to boost conversions by improving your site design today:


Keep It Simple But Intuitive

The first step to success is to utilize a simple website design. Don’t clutter your startup website with too many design features, images, auto-play videos, and fancy slides. 

Remember to keep things intuitive. Sometimes, it’s okay to use traditional web design trends because people already anticipate them. For example, adding a hamburger menu icon is a good idea because most people already know what it is.

Keep things like links identifiable. Use traditional web design formats like H2 and H3 headers. Unclicked links should appear blue and always box important menu options. 

Careful With Colors

Don’t pick colors without thinking about how they affect your site visitors. Use proper web design color psychology to pick, mix, and match colors appropriately. 

For example, red is the color of choice to draw attention. People associate red with alerts and a sense of urgency. You can use blue for honesty and professionalism or yellow for a sense of fun and enthusiasm. 

However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t flood your web pages with too many colors. It’ll look visually noisy and it could cause confusion or nausea. Try to pick three primary colors to work with either a black or white background.

It might also be a good idea to feature a few color-blind options. This ensures you keep colorblind consumers on your site instead of pushing them away. 

Use Negative Space

To boost website conversions, you’ll want to make sure visitors spot things like “buy here” or “subscribe now” buttons. These conversion tools need some space around them. Otherwise, they’ll get lost amidst all the visual noise in your web design.

Make good use of negative space. Don’t try to fill every spot of your pages with something. It’s okay to leave empty spaces as this helps guide a visitor’s eyes to the more valuable buttons or signs. 

Prioritize Mobile Users

By 2025, about 75% of people around the world will rely on their phones to access the Internet.

Keep this in mind because you should redesign your small business website to cater to mobile users. Otherwise, they’ll find your site clunky and difficult to navigate. If they encounter such issues, they’ll bounce out before they can subscribe or purchase something. 

If you want to focus on higher conversions, focus on things like making sure actionable buttons are easy to tap. Double-check to make sure pop-up ads don’t obscure buttons or links. These could force users to view your page in Desktop Mode and this instantly ruins their browsing experience.

Take Advantage of the F Pattern

The F Pattern refers to how most people read from top to bottom, left to right. Using this pattern, you can properly place conversion assets.

For example, place product categories at the top. Place the shopping cart or account wheel at the top and far-right. These are natural places for people’s eyes to follow. 

You’ll want to focus heavily on redesigning and testing the first quadrant of your page. This refers to the top left section. It’s where people’s eyes go first, after all.

Easy Navigation

If you aim for higher conversion rates, you’ll need to make it easy for people to find what they want. Prioritize an intuitive UX (user experience) by building a site that is easy to navigate. 

Check how long it takes to find a specific product or blog post from the homepage. A good rule of thumb is to make sure every page is within three clicks away. Every page should also have some option to climb to the top or back to the homepage with a single click.

Perfecting navigation isn’t always easy. Don’t hesitate to seek aid from professional web design services for a properly updated website design.

Make Conversion Text Obvious

Yes, it’s important to make social media share buttons nice and big. Keep “add to cart” or “buy now” buttons bright and boxed. Always keep “register here” form fields easy to spot and always one click away.

It’s important to make these conversion assets obvious. Don’t try to blend them with the rest of the site design. They should stand out in a visually appealing method so that people would click on them. 

Test, Test, Test

The final step to improve your site design and boost conversions is to conduct tests.

If you have two or three different design choices, run an A/B split test. Let people experience all of the choices and provide feedback regarding their experiences. Add a plugin to your site and let visitors fill up a survey, letting them discuss the good and bad about their site navigation.

Always take a moment to run analytics. Check which pages don’t see any conversions or have high bounce rates. Make a few adjustments to the design and test to see if there are any improvements. 

Now You Know How to Design a Website Layout

Learning how to design a website layout for higher conversions is all about making things obvious, convenient, and intuitive for every visitor. Always test your site design and make adjustments to further increase your conversion rate. Take advantage of tried-and-tested methods, like the F pattern, color psychology, and wise use of negative space.

That said, improving your site for better business doesn’t end here. 

If you want to pick up even more tips and tricks and further learn new techniques, we invite you to keep reading our library of in-depth posts. We tackle a wide variety of web design and small business site tactics. Discover all the helpful strategies you can implement today!

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