How to Set Up a Small Business Network With a Server
It doesn’t matter what your business’s size is; you’re going to need some type of data network for all the work you’re hoping to complete. This will lead you to ask how to set up a small business network with a server.
Fortunately for you in this guide, we’re going to provide you with a step by step guide of how to do this. Once you’ve completed the setup for your business, you’ll have access to databases on the internet that you couldn’t have reached before.
Continue reading to find out everything that you need to do to create a thriving network for your business.
Evaluate Business Needs
Before you start setting up your data network, you need to consider the needs of your business as a whole. You need to do this before because if you don’t, you could end up wasting valuable time, money, and company resources on things that you don’t need.
The first thing that you need to consider is the layout of your office space. Once you understand the design, you can then figure out how many devices in that space will need to be connected, and the size of each device.
You’ll also need to consider the files that are available on each device? Do employees need access to file-sharing? Will access be multi-leveled? All of these questions need to be answered before proceeding to build a data network.
Think about the size of the network you’re building and whether your company will expand in the next few years. If you’re thinking expansion, you may want to consider managed IT services for your company’s future data networking capabilities.
What Kind of Installation is the Best
There are only two options you have when it comes to the installation offered for your data network. This is the time to think of convenience when installing either a wireless or wired network.
While having a wireless network is much more convenient to install, some things need to be considered before choosing this option. If employees are outside of the coverage zone, they won’t have access to the company network.
And typically, a wireless connection isn’t the most secure means of contact, especially if your company needs to store sensitive data on their devices. One reason you may opt for a wired connection is that the internet’s speed is going to be much faster than a wireless connection.
Also, having a wired network makes it more challenging for outside forces to hack your companies database. Before you select which type of connection is best for you, make sure to review the pros and cons of each type of connection offered.
What Kind of Server Will You Choose
There are two types of servers that you can select for your business; the first operates in the cloud, and the other is an on-site server. Typically if your server is located on company property, it’s locked in a secure room. Only a few people have password access to enter this room.
A server is the one computer that will house all of the data from every device operating within your network. This makes it easier to access the data versus having to go to each computer and search for the information that you’re looking for.
Having one server is beneficial because you can control who can access the data on the server. With a server that operates in the cloud, you’ll hire other people to monitor it for you.
Cable Choices
You’ll need to use cables to further strengthen and increase the speed of your data network. Typically, businesses opt to use wires that are made of a copper material. The reason for this is that copper is low in cost and can be purchased from just about anywhere. However, it should be noted that using these cables doesn’t increase connection speed.
Fibre optic is another choice when it comes to the cables that you’re going to use for your business, and they are also low in cost. The cables that you’re going to use are entirely a company preference.
Device Connection Point
The point that will connect all of your devices to one another is a series of switches. The switches will connect all of the computers and servers that are operating on your data networking system. Before the data on the devices can send their information to the server, you’ve got to send it through one of the switches.
If your small business isn’t looking to use lots of switches right now, then you can always use one basic switch ad. As the company grows, add more switches to accommodate company growth.
The router is responsible for taking several networks and linking them to one another. This then creates a connection to the intranet, which provides a connection for employees to use the internet that’s supplied by your network.
Another benefit of having a router is being able to protect your companies data-sensitive information from outside cyber-attacks. Not only can a cyber attack pose a threat to your business, but it can also ruin your reputation if clients feel that you don’t have the safety measures necessary to protect the information that they trust you with.
Think About the Future
When it comes to company growth, you must think about the future and the hope that your company will grow. By keeping in mind company expansion, you can better prepare for the costs of expanding your data network, which will cost money and possibly more space.
How to Set Up a Small Business Network With a Server Answered
When answering the question of how to set up a small business network with a server following the guide that we’ve provided above will help you to get the job done. You must take your time to set up the network correctly to avoid any attacks from hackers.
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