iOS 10.3.2 Second Beta Available to Developers with New Changes
Yesterday, Apple has seeded the second beta version of the upcoming iOS 10.3.2 update to developers.
Developers can now download the second beta for iOS 10.3.2, but also for macOS 10.12.5, watchOS 3.2.2, and for tvOS 10.2.1 and add new fixes for iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple TV and also Apple Watch.
It has been almost two weeks since Apple seeded the first iOS 10.3.2 beta and two weeks after iOS 10.3 was introduced. The iOS 10.3 was one of the biggest update that Apple has come out with since iOS 10 was released last fall. It included some new improvements for iPads and iPhones and also a secret one-handed keyboard. The previous updates for iOS 10.3 included a number of new features such as Find My AirPode, iCloud calls for Verizon, CarPlay tweaks, a Podcast widget and a more secure Apple File System.
Apple has also revealed a minor iOS 10.3.1 update which was mainly revolving around some security improvements.
All registered developers can now download the second iOS 10.3.2 beta from the Apple Developer Center. We still don’t know yet what improvements and new features will this second beta include as Apple didn’t offer any release notes with such details. In the first iOS 10.3.2 update there was nothing of great interest discovered.
This second beta release will probably turn out to be just a minor update, and we might expect it to bring some bug fixes and some more performance improvements. On the other hand, Apple has already said that the update is going to fix SiriKit car commands, so we hope that they’re going to work as smooth as we expect them to.
These could be the last updates before the WWDC, and Apple engineers are probably fixing the last security issues on these latest beta versions before moving full time to iOS11, macOS 10.13, watchOS 4 and tvOS 11.