Top 5 Tech Supplies You Need for Your Office Remodel
Until recently, most office workers drove to a literal office building where their employer provided them with a wide range of supplies. Now, something like 40% of people who used to work in office buildings now work remotely.
That often leaves you on the hook for tech supplies that your employer once provided. If you’re doing an office remodel, though, it’s the perfect time to get those crucial tech supplies you can’t always access now. It’s also a golden opportunity to stock up top tech supplies you want but your employer wouldn’t get.
Not sure exactly what you need? Keep reading for top tech supplies you need for your remodel.
1. USB Vacuum
You can admit it. You eat at your desk sometimes. Of course, that also means you drop crumbs on your keyboard no matter how tidy your eating habits.
You can get a little USB vacuum that sits on your desk and lets you suck up the crumbs or a little dust.
2. RC Toy
No matter how dedicated you are to your job, you need a mental break now and then. Nothing says break better than a small RC car that you can drive around your office for ten minutes while you give your brain a chance to reset for the next task.
Want to take it up a level? Get a mini-drone and practice not crashing it into walls or the ceiling.
3. Health App
Working from home comes with some pitfalls. For example, your kitchen is mere feet away at any given time. That makes it unfortunately easy to forego a healthy lunch in favor of sugary snacks and potato chips.
You can help offset this problem by installing a health app on your phone for tracking calories, exercise, and weight. Most apps also connect with a website where you can see more sophisticated results and metrics.
4. USB Hub
Even at home, you must still charge up devices like your phone, Bluetooth earpiece, and tablet. All of those USB cables can make a mess of your computer. A USB hub is one of the best tech supplies you can get because it lets you pick an out of the way spot to charge up your devices.
5. Secure SSD
Working with sensitive information? Then you don’t want those files just sitting on your laptop. You can get a fingerprint-secured SSD drive to store and protect that sensitive information.
Interested in how other countries roll with the office supplies? Check out some Japanese office supplies.
Tech Supplies and Your Office Remodel
Your office remodel lets you reinvent your office into something more useful for your purposes. That may mean installing more outlets. It also means you can invest in some useful tech supplies.
Don’t just focus on practical items like secure SSD drives or USB hubs. Get some kind of fun tech, like a mini drone, that lets you decompress for a few minutes each day.
Looking for some more home office tech supply tips? Head over to our Tech section for more articles.
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