How to Use Adobe Flash Player on iPad or iPhone
One of the issues with the iPads and iPhones is the fact that the iOS does not support Flash. However, it’s not the end of the world, since there are some apps available on the App Store that can help you. Read on if you want to know how to use Flash on your iOS device!
But Why Doesn’t It Work?
Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder, certainly had a thing about Flash for mobile, and as such he decided to forbid this technology from the iOS platform. Instead of this, he looked for alternatives and found HTML5 standard, which has recently begun to replace Flash all over the Internet, not only on Apple devices. Moreover, back in 2012, Adobe turned off new installs for Flash on the Google Play Store, thus showing the end of using Adobe Flash on other Android devices.
Useful Apps
Photon Browser
This seems to be the most popular app for using Flash on Apple devices. The iPad version costs £4.99, while the iPhone one is £3.99. It’s in fact a replacement for Safari, and it offers a Flash mode that becomes active if you tap on the lightning bolt icon found at the top right. However, you have to know that turning Flash on may actually make the browser run slower.
Another option for using Flash content of your browser is the Puffin app. You can test out the free version before paying the price, which is £3.99 for the full version, compatible both with iPad and with iPhone. It is great if you know you only need it one time, or if you just want to test how it works and whether it slows your phone down.
Of course, there are other similar apps there, but these two are the most popular and praised by users who tested them.