What Are the Three Types of Actuators?
Actuators will be a $127 billion dollar business by 2025. The actuator market is growing at a rate of 5.3%.
That is a lot of money pushing a lot of purposes, but what are the three types of actuators, and what is the difference between them?
Read on for the answers.
What Is an Actuator?
The actuator is the part of a machine that does the actual work moving something. The actuator needs an external control signal and a power source to function.
In the human body, your arm would be an actuator. Your brain sends the control signal to your arm to move it to drink your coffee which in turn provides the energy to run the machine.
What Are the Three Types of Actuators?
There are three basic types of actuators, but they are further sub-grouped into linear and rotary types. Linear type actuators work in two directions, backward and forward. Rotary actuators move in a circular motion.
The actuator type is largely determined by the actuator applications. From forklifts to breaks in a car, actuators are everywhere performing essential functions for our modern lifestyle. Here are the three different types of actuators explained:
Pneumatic Actuators
These actuators use air pressure to operate. A piston or diaphragm asserts force as the actuator’s energy source. When the input signal triggers the actuator, it performs a function such as increasing or decreasing water or gas pressure in a pipe.
Pneumatic actuators are often used to control pressure in a pipe with smart valves that relay back the position of the valve to a control panel. They are primarily used in main engine control valves.
One noteworthy example of actuators is the pneumatic artificial muscle. Mckibben air muscles were invented for orthotics and used in artificial limbs in the 1950s. They are still used in various manufacturing and medical applications today.
Electrical Actuators
A pneumatic actuator and an electric actuator differ mostly by their energy source.
Electrical actuators are a type of actuator that is used to control the electric motor for basic functions like providing torque on a valve to open or close it. As in the case of electrohydraulic actuators, Electricity is often coupled with other energy forces to perform the motion needed.
Hydraulic Actuators
Hydraulic actuators are powered by pressurized fluid namely hydraulic fluid. The pressurized fluid releases to perform the desired movement. Hydraulic actuators are used in heavy machinery like backhoes and bulldozers. They are also the driving force behind bending machines and metal sheet shearing machines.
Now You Know the Basics
Now you know the answer to the basic question “What are the three types of actuators?” Actuators are simple to understand when broken down to their basic function, and the different types are mostly only different means to the same end.
In summary, whenever we need something to move we need an actuator to engage, control, and perform that movement. Take a look at other articles on the site to learn more about the engineering of how things work.
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