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What Is an EMF Detector?

If you watch any amount of ghost-hunting or paranormal shows on The Travel Channel, then you’ve seen an EMF detector. 

Usually, the paranormal investigator whips out a small device that’s used to register the presence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). When it does, it indicates the presence of ghostly residue. 

But have you ever wondered what is an EMF detector? It turns out this handy little instrument can do much more than merely sense the proximity of paranormal phenomena. Although, frankly, that would be enough for most people. 

So let’s take a look at some of the things an EMF radiation detector can do, and see what else it’s used for. 


What Is an EMF Detector—And How Does It Work?

Simply put, an EMF detector (also called an EMF meter), detects and analyzes electromagnetic fields. 

An EMF detector incorporates extremely sensitive materials. These allow it to ferret out fluctuations in ambient electromagnetic fields.

There are different types of EMF meters. The best ones are sophisticated enough to measure both AC and DC fields. 

So what is an EMF detector good for? It turns out there’s been a recent spike in interest in these devices—but for two very different reasons. 

First, there has been a noticeable uptick in the number of radiation-emitting technologies in the modern world. This has occasioned a concomitant interest in detecting and investigating these EM fields. 

On the other hand, there’s the aforementioned paranormal enthusiasm. In this case, paranormal investigators claim that EMF meters are the perfect instrument for empirically verifying the existence of supernatural and ghostly phenomena. 

EMF Detector: Technology

There’s no question that we’re surrounded by radiation-emitting technology to an extent that’s never been seen before. 

Smartphones and smart devices are increasing in sophistication. And these devices are all powered by wireless technology—which means a great increase in the amount of radiation permeating our homes and cities. 

One response has been to measure the presence of these radiations. The EMF meter fills this need, with many people installing these devices in their homes, much as one would a smoke detector. 

EMF Detector: Supernatural

On the other side of the spectrum is the growth in paranormal investigations. 

Much like technology EMF detectors, paranormal EMF detectors seek to discover the presence of invisible, but potentially harmful, influences. 

The idea is that manifesting apparitions generate enormous amounts of electromagnetic energy. And that makes an EMF detector a critical component of ghost-hunting tech

Electromagnetic Field Detection

If you’ve been wondering what is an EMF detector, now you have something of an idea. 

It’s a simple mechanism that registers electromagnetic fields, and helps you keep harmful radiations and ghosts at bay. And if you’re worried about either of these things, it might be worth it to invest in one. 

We hope you enjoyed this article. And while you’re here, please check out the rest of our site for more tech and gadget news and info. 

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