4 Art Business Ideas to Start as a Creative Entrepreneur
If there is one thing that the 21st century has taught us to this point, it’s that technology is going to continue progressing, but our love for artistry will never die. The art industry has grown substantially since 2000, and will only continue to evolve.
Being a part of this industry can be difficult, especially when you are just starting. But art is life, and there are many ways to get your feet wet in the industry.
If you are having trouble figuring out the best way to get yourself started, here are a few art business ideas that can start your immersion into the world of art professionally.
Become an Art Collector
As an artist, you could put your special eye to special use as an art collector who specializes in buying and selling art.
Specialize is the keyword in this occupation because it takes a lot of self-determination and drive to do it effectively. You must know many things about the market and create networks to build on.
But if you’re into doing something along these lines, the business can be built from the ground up and will certainly afford you a constant pool of networking resources.
Work as a Freelance Graphic Artist
Just like the networking opportunities of an art collector, becoming a freelancer is another high effort/high reward business idea. Becoming a freelance graphic artist has several pros and cons.
The good thing is once again you have your own hours and set your own pay. You also get to choose your own medium like a 3d animation studio program.
However, the market for a graphic artist has become a bit saturated over the last few years, and due to this, oftentimes it is difficult to find work without lowering your prices for your work.
If you like the freedom it allows you then becoming a freelancer could be a good means to get your feet wet with professional art
Freelance as a Tattoo Designer
This technically falls into the same category as freelance graphic design, it is only more specific. You would technically use the same digital mediums for creating the tattoos.
The only difference is that you could work directly in a tattoo shop but still have the freedom to work in multiple parlors. It would also help build your notoriety and establish your name as a quality designer.
Try Creative Consulting
Businesses are coming to understand the importance of integrating art in their business plans and research & development.
You could seek out a job as a creative consultant to utilize your art skills to find viable solutions to the business’s problems and build a solid professional reputation along the way
Many Art Business Ideas
Art business ideas are many, but they all take effort. Don’t be scared away from working in the world that you love. Use your tech-savviness and art specialties to your advantage and make some money.
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