8 Big Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
In a recent survey, 48% of pupils said that they use a desktop computer regularly during classroom learning. As an educator, implementing technology in the classroom can often seem like a headache. But do you know all of its benefits?
If not then we can help transform your lessons. Read on as we discuss the benefits of technology in education.
1. Creates Engagement
Technology should not be the sole focus of a lesson. It should be viewed as a tool, as textbooks, paper, pens, and a whiteboard would be. When deployed at the right point in a project or activity, it can increase engagement.
All teachers know how hard it is to get pupils engaged. Be it a troublesome class or a disinterested individual, it can often seem like an uphill struggle. You need every item at your disposal to get these pupils on board and into activity.
Many children are already used to working computers and with tablets at home. As it is often an item they associate with fun and leisure, you can teach some more difficult subjects in exciting ways.
2. Allows for a Range of Learning Styles
The learning styles are divided into visual, auditory, kinesthetic, reading, and writing. In the space of one lesson, it can be hard to fit all these in. This means some children may have trouble taking in information as it does not suit their learning style.
Using technology can allow you to incorporate a number of these, often in the same activity. Interactive technology in education allows for kinesthetic learning, while the visual and auditory elements of applications and videos cover the rest.
3. Collaboration
When collaborative tasks take place in your lesson, each pupil takes on a different role. You will have pupils who sit back and do very little. This can either be through disengagement or a lack of confidence.
The wealth of collaboration opportunities available through classroom technology can transform how these pupils work. Be it through engagement or by using a different communication method, you will see all pupils soon taking part.
Gone are the days of taking notes together and making posters. Images, videos, and records of progress can be saved in the same place. Pupils are able to write, draw and edit together in real-time.
4. Improves Feedback
As an educator, you will already know the value of quality feedback. Giving excellent, measurable, and concise feedback can vastly enhance student performance. However, when written feedback is given it can often be hard to follow up on the student response.
Education technology makes this so much easier. It is possible to feedback using classroom response systems. Everything from voice notes to videos can be used to provide ideas for improvement and progression.
Alongside these verbal, two-way processes you can free up time by automating results in other areas. Instead of manually marking tests, let technology do them for you. This gives you time to talk with pupils and use your energy clarifying and suggesting areas of improvement.
5. Provides Skills for the Future
Many of the jobs the children in your class will do in the future don’t even exist yet. You are training pupils to delve into the unknown. To give them the best possible base to start from, they need to be digitally literate.
Digital literacy is more than being able to turn on the computer or tablet. It involves being able to use collaborative software tools, to understand how code works and other computer-related tasks.
Knowing how to act online is as important as being able to use the tools. Pupils can stay safe, act legally and protect the data of themselves and others. Modeling online behavior can stop them from making grave errors in the future.
6. Increases Fun
No one would ever want their pupils to find a lesson boring. However, some topics just do not lend themselves to excitement. That is until technology in education happens.
Many pupils already understand the concept of gamification. This is when a competitive, game element is added to tasks. Through video games, children have begun to adopt this method of trial and error as a learning style.
Gamifying certain elements of your lesson can appeal to this demographic. Once you have the fun added, you can begin to spark their imagination in other ways and extend the learning.
7. Improve Communication
The school community is more than just pupils and teachers. It involves parents, governors, local community leaders, and more. When putting out news and collecting paperwork gets involved, this can become extremely complex.
Digital communication methods can make this easier. It’s not just email that you can use. Text messages, parent and teacher portals, and social media are all methods to enhance communication in the community.
These communication channels do need someone to manage them. However, the allocation of resources is bound to result in increase efficiency and transparency across the board.
8. Productivity
Technology allows pupils to access information when they need it. Should they suddenly decide to do exam revision in the middle of the night, they can open their computer and do it. They don’t have to wait for a library to open or get hold of the book you are at home marking.
As a teacher, you can use technology to spur them on. Set collaborative calendars or send push reminders for upcoming dates. All they need is a computer, and area with WiFi installation complete and they can begin.
Reaping the Benefits of Technology
The benefits of technology will only work if you introduce them as part of a larger plan. Speak with the people who create your education policies and schemes of work. You may already have guidelines in place for how and when to use them.
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