Here’s How To Make New Hires Feel At Home With Your Company
You’ve started new jobs before so you understand how nerve-wracking it feels. Aside from forming relationships with coworkers, new employees have to learn the ropes quickly.
Starting a position at a new job is among the most stressful life events people face. However, new hires don’t have to feel overwhelmed about getting started.
There are plenty of ways a business can ease the stress related to the onboarding process. Let’s go over some tips on how to make new employees feel at home.
Onboard Before Their First Day
Many companies wait until an employee’s first day to start the onboarding process. This is a good way to make things difficult for both you and them.
Once you’ve hired someone, go ahead and start sending them onboarding materials. This will give them a chance to familiarize themselves with the company and also start filling out the necessary paperwork.
Not only does this help get a lot of the formalities out of the way, but it’s also a good opportunity for you to start a dialogue with a new employee before they begin. This communication will help break the ice and make things less awkward on their first day.
Don’t Forget the Introductions
Having to ask coworkers their names and titles can make a person very self-conscious. Once a new hire begins work, it’s important to introduce them to their colleagues right away.
Start by introducing the people they’ll have direct contact with on a daily basis. Make sure you go over exactly what each coworker does.
You can then slowly introduce them to other departments. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm them. If your staff is growing in numbers, read more about the advantages of employee name badges.
Familiarize Them With the Workspace
It’s easy to forget that a new office is a foreign environment for first-time employees. If left to their own devices, they’ll have to ask where everything is. This can make a person feel like a deer in headlights.
Part of your onboarding process should include a tour of the facilities. Make sure they know where all essential office equipment, breakrooms, and conference rooms are.
If you have a large workspace, make sure they know where each department is located. More specifically, they need to know where the HR and payroll department is if they have questions.
Expectations and Office Culture
Every office functions differently and has a unique set of expectations and standards. Instead of letting new employees figure these things out on their own, give them a quick rundown.
This could include providing insight into the atmosphere the office strives to maintain. Let them know if it’s a laid back culture or very professional.
In addition, talk to them about the dress code and if employees tend to start winding down work early on Fridays. Knowing this information will help prevent an embarrassing situation.
Help Your New Hires Fit In From Day One
That awkward phase associated with starting a new job is something everyone dreads. Make things easier on new hires by refining your onboarding process.
Use the tips discussed above and integrate your new employees into their jobs with ease.
Check out more articles for office tips and general business information.
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