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How Many Solar Panels Will I Need For My Home?

According to research by the SEIA, there’s currently enough solar power installed in the USA to power over 18 million homes.

Are you also keen to get on board with this environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution to your energy needs? More importantly, can you afford to?

The cost of your solar panel installation depends entirely on how many solar panels you need to run your home efficiently. So it’s an important first question before you get your heart set on installing a solar energy system. 

Here’s how to work it all out.


How Big Is Your House?

The bigger your home, the more electricity you’ll use. More rooms translate into more lights, and a more extensive heating and cooling system. 

A home measuring 1,500 sq. ft. usually needs between 14 and 17 solar panels. A large home of over 3,000 sq. ft., might need as many as 38 panels to meet its energy needs. 

The Efficiency of the Solar Panels 

All solar panels do their best work in direct sunlight. If your home is in a shady spot, or you live in an area with plenty of overcast weather, your panels will produce less electricity.

Some types of solar panels, like monocrystalline solar panels, produce more electricity thanks to their design. The more power each solar panel produces, the less you’ll need.

Your Energy Needs

Knowing how much power you need is the most important step in any solar installation. The easiest way to find this out is by looking at your latest electricity bill. 

This knowledge helps you find the ideal solar panel service provider, pick a power company to work with, and forms the basis of all your queries with a solar installer. 

When you know what to ask your chosen solar company, you can maximize your savings and enjoy the full benefits of solar energy.

Your solar installer can also offer advice on how to cut down your energy consumption and reduce how many solar panels you need. 

Your Solar Savings Goals

Most homeowners install solar panels so they can cut down on their electricity bills. For some, this means going off the grid for all their energy needs. 

Others might simply want to reduce what they’re spending on electricity by using solar power for part of the day. Again, the less energy you need to extract from the sun and store in your batteries, the lower your solar panel cost. 

Doing the Math

If you want to estimate how many solar panels you need before you start shopping around, you can use the following formula to do so: 

Energy consumption divided by (number of daylight hours in your area x 30) = Kilowatts needed

The next step is to convert kilowatts to watts by multiplying that figure by 1,000. Finally, divide the number of watts by the amount of power (in watts) a single panel can produce.

The answer represents how many solar panels you need. 

Get More of the Information You Need

A solar installation can save you a fortune in years to come when you know how to maximize it for your needs.

Are you interested in finding out more about whether solar panels are a good option for you? Our blog has lots of money-saving tips and information on all the latest technology. Keep browsing for more.  

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