6 Common Photo Formatting Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website
While there are a few doubts about the science, some studies show that a human’s attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. And, considering most people wait a maximum of 2 seconds for websites to load, it’s more important than ever to avoid common photo formatting mistakes that can slow down that loading speed.
Companies have to invest quite a bit to optimize their websites, but often forget to check how images are loading. If you want to learn the mistakes to avoid, and how photo formatting tools might save your website, consider reading ahead!
Wrong File Type
Using the right file type is probably the most important variable for improving website loading speeds. You’ll want to stick with PNG, as it can reduce the final image file size by up to 70%! They’re also transparent and easier to edit and work with.
Incorrect Image Size
Depending on where your images are meant to go, you’ll want to size them properly. This includes the header, article, and sidebar images. Sometimes, even logos can be problematic. Make sure the chosen resolution makes sense for the space the image will occupy.
Bad Compression
If you’re set on using the JPG file format, you’ll want to make sure you use proper compression. The best way to do this is to use aggressive compression on your chosen image. Additionally, if you use JPGs, you’ll want to use a background remover for faster load speeds.
Not Using Blur Up
Blur up is an option available when designing a website. It forces browsers to load a lower quality version of an image first, improving the user experience without sacrificing load times.
Omitting Automatic Image Resize
Changing photo sizes is another great way to improve how well a website loads. The easiest way to do this is with an automatic resizing tool. You can implement this step with local software, or by using online tools that apply the changes automatically before routing the image to your website.
Using Images Instead of CSS
Finally, the best way to optimize images is to not use them at all! Whenever possible, use CSS to create images. This is usually applicable to simple symbols and outlines. You might want to try this for your logo, mascot, or designs used in the header.
Avoiding Common Photo Formatting Mistakes
It’s important to avoid common photo formatting mistakes for a few reasons. First, a bad presentation can reduce user trust. Second, it can increase website loading times. And, finally, it can limit certain website features for back-end and front-end development.
To avoid any problems, make sure to use the right file type, implement blur up, use optimal image compression, and ensure that each image’s file size fits where it’s used. If you can double-check these variables, you shouldn’t run into any other issues with images on your website.
Hopefully, this article provided some useful information for optimizing business website photos. If it did, make sure to take a look at some of the other posts on the website!
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