According to Small Business Chron News, about 595,000 businesses close each year. Many of these small businesses have closed because of the costly mistakes that they had made and were not prepared for. One of those huge mistakes that are overlooked is within the IT department. Technology in general is constantly improving and can become complicated very quickly.
Staying on top of your business’s IT team is going to play a huge role in your business’s success. That being said, let’s take a look at 8 of the most common mistakes with IT that small businesses make that cost them big time.
1. Outdated Software or Obsolete Equipment
Technology is constantly advancing and improving, so it’s not hard to find outdated equipment within companies. This can become a huge problem because older equipment means that they can freeze up easily, lack the features that you need, and perform poorly when trying to complete your daily task. This can also cause issues when you need to have regular software updates.
This will slow down production and cause your employees to become frustrated easily. It may not seem like a huge deal at first, but over time this will cost your company time and money. Replacing your computers every couple of years is a must for every small business.
2. Backing Up Your Data
Have you ever broken your phone and lost all of your old photos or contacts because you didn’t back your files up? Imagine that on a massive scale with your company. One of the most important things to remember with your IT department is to ensure that all of your data is backed up.
Avoiding mistakes with IT such as this one can ensure that your business continues to run smoothly. Don’t make this common mistake with your small business and lose critical data.
3. Providing The Right Training
A common issue for many small businesses is employees not having been trained properly. They are hired on and thrown into a position and handed the reins without any proper or formal training for their actual position. This can become very problematic quickly and can cost the business.
It may be expensive to train employees properly, but it can easily become more expensive from their mistakes because of a lack of training.
Another option would be hiring IT services out, which can be much more cost-effective. Either through another company or freelancers. Check with your local IT consultant and see if this may be a better option for your small business.
4. Proper IT Security
Having gaps in your digital security can leave you and your business vulnerable to hackers and malcontents. According to CNBC Business News, forty-three percent of cyber attacks are targeted at small businesses, costing them on average $200,000. Even bigger companies such as Target have been exposed to common cyber threats because of a lack of proper IT security.
Ensure that your digital security team is covering all of your bases and keeping you safe from hackers and criminals.
Another great way to keep your small business cyber safe is by outsourcing for IT specialists. By doing this you can avoid hiring on and training a full IT team, which can save your small business a ton of money.
5. Proper Physical Security
If your small business has expensive equipment, such as desktops and laptops, you can quickly become a target. Criminals are on the lookout for small businesses that have expensive tools and equipment because most business owners don’t think twice about their building’s security. This is especially true if they are leasing or renting out.
Having the proper security for your building is a necessary expense. Most buildings have low-grade locks on their windows and doors because it was the cheaper way to go. Don’t fall to criminals because of such a small upgrade. Alarm systems are also highly encouraged because not only can this possibly scare a criminal away, but it will also alert the police if something were to happen.
6. Your Business Website
Although the majority of small businesses now all have at the very least a website, most of them are not up to par. Your website is a storefront in our digital world today and it will also make a huge impact on your potential clients and business. If that isn’t enough, not properly set up your website correctly can cause an endless amount of IT issues.
This can also mean that your website could be down a lot. Ensure that you have your website built professionally the first time and avoid having a mountain of IT hiccups down the road.
7. Encrypting Your Business Emails
Many small businesses fail to recognize the importance of encrypting emails. This is a huge security risk for you and your business. Thinking that this is a small insignificant threat is a huge IT mistake you don’t want to make.
Don’t allow your emails to become vulnerable. Have your IT team set up a decent email encryption system so that you stay protected. Most major email providers offer this to easily be setup.
8. Utilizing Cloud Computing
Cloud computing has become increasingly popular over the last few years, but many small businesses fail to look at it and utilize it because they don’t know anything about it. Having cloud-based software can be much more efficient and convenient rather than using in-house servers.
Your data will be available no matter where you are and can be easily accessible by anyone that is authorized. This gives your company must more flexibility and functionality. Cloud computing can also be much more secure as well. Provide your company with the training to utilize cloud computing and don’t make the mistake of overlooking it.
Small Business Mistakes With IT
These are some of the most common mistakes with IT that small businesses make, don’t fall prey to them. Keep your business safe, trained, and ready. One of the best ways to ensure that your business succeeds is by staying up to date and avoiding costly mistakes.
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