Android Updates Available for Android Wear 2.0 and Nexus Devices
The LG Watch and the Watch Urbane are getting the Android Wear 2.0, and finally the Sprint Note 5 and the S6 Edge+ are receiving the well-deserved Nougat.
The latest Android updates include some fixed bugs for the Nexus and Pixel phones and the Android Wear 2.0 update for a few more watches. Take a peek at all the juicy details.
Google devices
Android 7.1.2 started rolling to some of Google’s newest devices including Pixel, XL, C, Nexus 6P, 5X, and Player. The official Pixel User Community forum revealed better fingerprint swipe performance, smoother Bluetooth connectivity and alerts for battery usage.
The updates also include fixing Pixel’s early shutdown issue, the pink banding on the camera found in some devices, and the audio popping issue experienced by some users while enjoying sound at higher volume.
Other updates revolve around some interface changes for Pixel C, improved multitasking interface for the Pixel Launcher, and some bug fixes for the Nexus 6P, 5X and Player.
Android Wear
Android Police noted that Android Wear 2.0 is coming for the LG Watch R and the Watch Urbane, LG’s current watches. Android 2.0 has already reached some watches in the past week, but there still remain some holdouts such as Huawei Watch and Moto 360.
Sprint is in the process of delivering Nougat for your Galaxy Note 5 device, so stay tuned for the update.
Galaxy S6 Edge+ is also impatiently waiting to be hit by Nougat, even if Sprint’s support page doesn’t feature the update list yet.
4.9% of active devices feature the two available Nougat versions, and this represents a gain of 2.1% over the numbers from March. Another bump for Nougat is expected, as soon as the Galaxy S8 and S8+ hit the market.