Mobile phones are our lifeline for everything from social media to shopping. We keep sensitive information and pictures on them assuming their safe. In fact, it’s expected mobile banking will reach 2 billion people by 2020.
With all that valuable data, thieves are pulling out the stops to grab it. How do you know if you’ve been hacked? There are signs that something strange is going on with your phone.
They might be subtle, but if you know what to look for, then you can fix it before it compromises your data. Don’t risk your data and find out if you’re at risk for hacking.
Android Phones vs. Apple Phones
Since Android is an open source operating system, people are more likely to hack it. Open source mean the code that makes it up is free for anyone to see and use. This allows third parties to create apps and other programs for the phone without going through the Google Play Store.
The benefit of an open source operating system is transparency, but it lacks security. There are also many phones from many companies that use the Android operating system, making it difficult to control. This makes it easier for them to steal identities and information.
Apple has an almost draconian control over their operating system, apps, and programs. It’s more difficult to hack an iPhone because Apple filters and approves everything.
Battery Level Dropping Fast? You’ve Been Hacked!
If you download malware, then it sits in the background and messes with your phone. The malware is a program and requires resources on your phone. If your battery starts draining faster, then you could have malware.
The malware can steal data and passwords or use your email address to spam other people.
You Clicked on a Phishing Scam
Hackers use phishing to infect cell phones with viruses and other malware. It uses email and messenger apps to send you links that contain the malware. The emails look like they’re from legitimate businesses or friends, and many people click on it.
If you click on an email link and something doesn’t feel right, then you could be hacked. Check with the company to see if they sent the email.
Mobile security tips include never clicking on a link you don’t know and going to the company’s website instead of clicking on an email link.
The Case of the Mystery Apps
The goal of many cell phone hacks is to inflate the number of downloads for various apps. The apps themselves may have nothing to do with the scheme. Unscrupulous marketing companies use it to make it look like their efforts work.
The malware downloads one or many apps on your phone but doesn’t put them on the home screen. It’s not until you look through all your apps that you notice it.
Malware creates other mysteries as well. There may be emails, texts, etc. that people received from you, but you never sent. These are common Android virus symptoms.
Keep Your Phone and Data Safe
Don’t click on any URLs you don’t trust and be wary of changes in your phone. They could mean you’ve been hacked. These are some of the best ways to be aware of malware and viruses on your mobile devices.
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