Around 94% of consumers regularly use coupons which proves we’re eager to save whenever possible.
Coupons are accessible, easy to use, and work with a wide range of brands so there’s plenty of opportunities to save money. Perhaps you’re considering coupons but you’re after tricks and tips to jumpstart your journey.
Sound familiar? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here are eight tips to help you.
1. Go Where the Sales Are
The most important rule of couponing is to follow the sales even if you don’t regularly go there. You’ll likely have to visit several supermarkets to find the best prices but plan this otherwise you’ll lose money on gas.
This is also the time to forget brand loyalty so even if you’re a die-hard Kellogg’s fan, go with whoever cereal you can get the cheapest. Remember that your goal is to save money and take advantage of the savings from your retail coupons.
Before you enter the store, know what items you need and coupons to use. When you stay in the store for an extended period, you may fall for the store’s marketing ploys and spend more than planned.
You should also be mindful of shoppers when you’re couponing. If the supermarket is busy then tell the queue that you have coupons, so they know it’ll take longer than expected. And don’t forget to thank cashiers and compliment them as couponing is an extra effort on their part. As a general rule, avoid shopping during peak hours to prevent disgruntled customers.
2. Always Buy in Bulk
Aside from using a Walmart stock checker, you should buy your necessities in bulk. Expert coupon-ers buy items when they can get them at the lowest price, not when they need it, so stock up for the future. But make sure you have space to stockpile whether it’s in a pantry, closet, or garage because no one wants their home to be overrun with toilet rolls.
3. Start Slow
When you’re starting your couponing process, it’s important to start slow. Find coupons for a single store first so you familiarize yourself with the bargain pricing and policies.
Not sure where to find coupons online? There are many places to find coupons like bulletin boards, your local newspaper, store flyers, and coupon websites or apps. You can also join local groups on Facebook as members will know the latest coupons to try.
You should also consider cashback sites. Many giant stores offer this service, simply sign up on the site, click the link from the site of your favorite store, and get a cashback on your service. And don’t forget to apply for a store savings card because you’ll receive extra coupons in the mail.
4. Learn Coupon Jargon
Once you’re well-versed in finding a Walmart coupon checker, learn jargon to make the process easier. For instance, if online retail coupons are considered stackable then you can use a manufacturer’s coupon alongside a store one.
Further, double coupon deals are when the discount is worth twice its face value at certain times. You should also familiarize yourself with acronyms like OYNO (on your next visit), MIR (mail-in rebate), and BOGO (buy one, get one).
5. Be Organized
Couponing is far easier when you’re organized.
Get a plastic binder, divide coupons into different tabs (e.g. groceries or clothes) and keep the coupons with the closest expiry date at the front. If your supply is slacking, browse your resources and add relevant ones to your binder. This means when you’re at the store, you simply open the binder and see whether any will work for your shopping list.
6. Know Your Price Points
To help you, note down the average price items you regularly purchase so when they’re on sale, you’ll know whether the coupon offers a good deal. You should also consider the maximum price you’d pay for an item and buy these when necessary.
Plus, note your deal price which is what you’d pay for an item when it’s on sale and with a coupon. If you’re happy with the price, buy enough to last until the next sale. And the stock-up price is when the product is at the lowest price you’ve seen so you should get as many as possible.
7. Understand Overage
Another crucial term is “overage” when the worth of your coupon exceeds the cost of an item. Many stores don’t offer cashback, but they do give you overage which you can apply to other products on your shopping cart. This means you can stock up on toiletries or fresh produce and only pay pennies.
You should also learn the store’s policies. For instance, do they accept competitor coupons or let you hang onto sale coupons once the item is out of stock? Familiarize yourself with their policies as they may be several that will help you save even more.
8. Go on Smaller Shopping Sprees
If you want to make the most savings, go on small shopping sprees. This is because when you buy only a few items, you save more with the coupons.
Stores offer alternative sale items and discounts at various times of the year so make smaller, multiple trips so you only use coupons on these items and maximize your savings.
Those Are Our Coupon Tips
Now you know how to use coupons so you can save a fortune.
It’s important to start slow, find the best coupon resources, and understand the jargon so you save more. Once you’re comfortable, compare prices between multiple stores and be organized to save time. Happy shopping!
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