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Website Improvements: 5 Ways to Jazz Up Your Site

A great website is like great music – you should jazz it up every now and then! 

Website designers have that name for a reason! They are artists skilled in creating intuitive interfaces that can draw visitors in and keep them exploring. Like a riffing musician, a great designer can jazz up your site with small website improvements. 

You don’t need to be a jazz protege to make engaging updates to your website design. This article will teach you five easy ways to keep your website theme exciting. Read on to learn how to improve a website with ease!


1. Play With Color

People love visual harmony. The addition of an exciting pop of coordinated color is often the only website improvement that you need if the goal is to create visual interest. A distinct color scheme can help you to define your brand. 

Make sure to keep things professional. Unnecessary pops of gaudy color are not appealing. Surprise us with something bright, but make sure your use of color isn’t overwhelming. 

2. Keep Images Dynamic

What draws your eye more efficiently: a static image or a gif? Dynamic or animated images are a great way to make the visuals on your website more compelling. 

Consider including a slideshow of images on your website. You can even add a banner that cycles photos so the homepage becomes fresh with every refresh! 

A little motion is also enough to draw the eye! Consider adding a little motion to your logo so the eye will wander that way. You can use an online logo animation maker to help. 

3. Draw Us in With Stories

Sometimes all a website needs is a human touch. If you want to draw visitors in emotionally, consider including some customer testimonials. Stories help customers understand the ways that your service can improve their lives.

This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and beg for sweeping blog posts from your favorite customers! Highlighting positive reviews makes these human stories accessible and digestible. 

4. Stay Social

Interaction is another way to build an emotional connection with your potential customers. If you’re on social media, you’re immediately more accessible and more human. Adding easy access to your social media can build a bridge that helps visitors to your site to connect with you! 

5. Help Us Answer Your Call to Action

A great way to make a website more engaging is to make it easy to engage! Visitors to websites love a clear and specific call to action.

Do you want visitors to schedule a consultation, watch a video, or buy something? Make this as easy as possible! Help your visitors understand what to do and they will be far more likely to oblige! 

Small Website Improvements, Big Impact

You don’t need to do much to make your website more compelling. Even small website improvements can have a major impact. A pop of color, a little emotional energy, and a clear call to action are all you need to engage your audience!

Did this article give you ideas? Before you go and update your website, stick around and check out more inspiring posts! 

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