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Chrome Users Downloaded a Fake Adblock Plus From the Official Chrome Web Store


Adblock Plus is a popular app that will block annoying ads and ads that you find inside YouTube videos. And when you install it and see it does more harm than god, then something is definitely wrong with an app so popular and well rated.

A lot of users on Google Chrome have been tricked in downloading a fake Adblock Plus extension. About 37,000 users have installed the fake extension on Google Chrome from the official Chrome store. It looks like the fake app passed the verification from Google and made its way to the public.

According to SwiftOnSecurity, there is a fake developer out there that clones the names from popular extensions and spams those keywords, creating fake software.

The Fake Software Was a Clone

Adblock Plus got to receive a fake clone that looked so good that you couldn’t tell the difference. It has everything inside like the genuine software, even had a lot of reviews. But among all the reviews, there was one that reported that Adblock Plus would start to show a lot of ads that invaded Google Chrome.

If you are one of the users that experienced a similar issue, you should uninstall that version of the Adblock Plus and search for the real app that is in the Chrome Store. And don’t worry, the fake version of Adblock Plus on Chrome Store has been removed and users are now safe to download the real version!

Right now, there isn’t any detail about the fake app being malicious or not, but it still is better if you uninstall it.

With so many apps and extensions in Chrome, it’s impossible to keep a close eye, especially on clone or malicious software, but Google needs to work on upgrading their verification system so that their Web Store could be more reliable.

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