Dead Space 4 Without Visceral Games Will Be Better?
The Dead Space series has been on hiatus ever since Dead Space 3’s launch back in 2013 and there is still no official confirmation about Dead Space 4’s release.
And with Electronic Arts’ closure of Visceral Games, the studio behind the titles, many fans were beginning to wonder if and when the next installment in the Dead Space series would arrive, if ever.
How will Dead Space 4 Happen After the Ending DLC for Dead Space 3
Indeed, while not as commercially successful as the company had hoped it would be, Dead Space 3 definitely left things wanting for a sequel, narratively and in terms of gameplay.
One of the premier space horror survival series, Dead Space married the unique combat style found in many first-person shooters and RPGs with the horror and suspense of a Resident Evil or Dino Crisis game.
The results were fantastic and Dead Space managed to carve itself out a healthy niche in the genre.
But EA is notoriously unsentimental when it comes to long-standing series and the closure of Visceral Games was so immediate and without warning that some people are wondering if hope is already lost.
Never fear, because apparently some of Visceral Games’ projects have shifted to other studios at EA, and Dead Space 4 could be among them.
How Big is Dead Space 4
That’s not to say that things will be the same. With a new team and development studio helming the project, Dead Space 4 could go in a completely new direction, alienating longtime fans in the quest to obtain new blood.
The game was initially slated to launch this year, 2018, but Electronic Arts has offered no word on the game or even confirmed that it is in development.
The other title that many fans knew Visceral Games was hard at work on prior to the studio’s closure was a Star Wars title, a game that has shifted to EA Vancouver and EA Worldwide Studios, according to the company, although no further details nor a release date were provided.
Again, EA has a reputation for pulling the plug on beloved titles, so fans wouldn’t be shocked if Dead Space 4 was figuratively dead in the water.
But the lack of confirmation one way or the other is also a sign of hope for some people.
Indeed, EA has responded vociferously to reports in the past that Dead Space 4 was canceled.
One Electronic Arts spokesperson even called out websites for touting rumors that Dead Space 4 was canceled, saying publications should not report as fact what is merely speculation.
None of this changes the hard figures that Dead Space 3 was not as commercially successful as Electronic Arts had hoped, and this is proving a salient point between analysts and fans.
How Would Dead Space 4 Play Out
If Electronic Arts are developing a sequel and they’re bringing it to market soon, it could be a vastly different experience in a gamble to retool the Dead Space series to drive sales in the next game, something akin to what Sony has done with the recent God of War game. A reboot without becoming a reboot or a reimagining without calling it such. After all, money is the name of the game at the end of the day for all publishers, EA being no exception. Indeed, it is probably their focus on profit that has led to EA becoming the behemoth it is today.