GTA 5 New Land Grab Adversary Mode Released With Double GTA$ and RP
GTA 5 Online has received a new adversary mode and most of the fans of this game are already trying it out. We remind you that in the past few weeks, this game has received some awesome racetracks, but now it is time for some real men action with a new adversary mode.
According to reports, the new “Land Grab” Adversary Mode is set in a colorful “Tron-like” cyberspace arena. In this adversary mode, you will have to run over territories and spread your team’s color.
The “Land Grab” Adversary Mode can be joined by up to four teams and it contains up to seven maps that you can choose from. In order to claim a territory, you will just need to run over it, but make sure that you don’t get shot in the back by the other enemy team. The team with most territory when the time is up wins the match.
To make things even more interesting, Rockstar has also added double GTA$ and RP in “Land Grab” Adversary Mode, but this short event will end on April 24, 2017, so if you are planning to play it, you better do it now to start gaining some easy GTA$ and RP.
GTA 6 Not Coming Until 2020
In other news, the GTA 6 is not expected to be released until 2020, because the developers have not even started working on it. Some previous rumors were also claiming that the GTA 6 will actually be the first game that will be released for the upcoming Xbox Two and PlayStation 5, which are also expected to be launched in 2019-2020.
Unfortunately, Rockstar doesn’t want to say a word about the GTA 6 title and it will most likely take a while until the developing company will reveal some official information about this upcoming game.