Mass Effect Andromeda Update Available With Bug Fixes and Graphic Improvements
Three weeks have passed since Mass Effect: Andromeda has been released for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Since then, the guys from BioWare are continuously working on the new released title to fix all the bugs and other issues they’ve found or the users have reported.
According to reports, the latest update that was released for “Mass Effect: Andromeda” has fixed many gameplay problems, but it has also improved the graphics of the game.
To make things even better, the developers have managed to improve the security of the game and it is seems that the hackers will have a harder time to crack this game. This has also been confirmed by DSOGaming, as the website mentioned that the Mass Effect: Andromera 1.05 update improves the game’s Denuvo anti-tamper software to a new version.
Unfortunately, if you are a gamer who prefers to play pirates games, then you are out of luck, because you won’t be able to upgrade to the latest version of the game, as it will most likely not function anymore after the update.
We have to mention that the hackers have managed to break “Mass Effect: Andromeda” in only 10 days after it was released. DSOGaming also claims that the new Denuvo version that’s included in the latest update of the game has never been broken and it was also used for other games such as 2Dark, Dead Rising 4 or Nier: Automata.
The Mass Effect: Andromeda update 1.05 has also improved the appearance of eyes for human and Asari characters, but it also added more inventory slots, improved voice-over lip sync and it added the ability to skip the animations when you are travelling between planets.
BioWare is expected to release a new update patch for this game sometime the following weeks, which will fix other issues that the players have found in this game. We have to say that overall the game runs quite smoothly and it doesn’t have any major problems that you should worry about.