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Mass Effect: Annihilation will be the Book that Offers Closure for the Quarian Storyline


Sometimes a game is not enough to tell a story. Certain plot lines remain open and fans will demand to know the ending. And in our days, the players’ feedback is very important and very visible.

There is probably why Biowave has decided to provide some closure for the Quarian ship story. You might have expected another game or a DLC, but it appears that the company decided the do something a bit more different. A book will be the one that presents the ending.

Mass Effect: Annihilation

The book will be named Mass Effect: Annihilation. Here is what we know about it so far “A pathogen is discovered aboard the ark after many drell are found dead in their cryo pods. As the pathogen jumpsspecies, the ship’s systems begin to fail, making it clear this is no accident.”

This is already the third book for the Andromeda series. The first one was named Nexus Uprising while the other one had the title Initiation.

The third novel is supposed to follow the story of the Quarians and it will focus on the Keelah Si’yah. We already know that this ship has over 20000 Batarian, Elcor, Drell and Quarian colonists, but the upcoming book will try to explain what happened to the Quarians. Fans will finally find out whether these characters made it to Andromeda or something worse happened to them and they had a gruesome end.

The good news is that the book will have an author that has already proved her worth: award-winning SF author Catherynne M. Valente. For those who are curious, the book will be available in places like UK and US starting June 26th. Australia will receive Mass Effect: Annihilation on August 28th.

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