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New Clash of Clans Teaser – Multi-village Management Update


If you’re a Clash of Clans player, then you might be aware of the fact that Supercell has been teasing us on the most massive update that the game has ever seen. We’re talking about the Shipwreck update, of course. The first teaser that leaked to the Internet about the new upcoming update featured Hog Rider, Pig and Wizard lying on the beach wondering what’s lies on the other side of the great sea. The gang of three then decided to set out on a quest and find out, and the video ends with them on a boat.

Making New Friends

And now, a second video has been released, and is being referred to as Captain’s Log Day 2. In the video, we can see Hog Rider looking forward to making new friends on the other shore. He wants to become friends with Skeletons, and that’s about all we find out. Clash of Clans players are become more and more angry with the vagueness of these teasers, but let’s not forget that this is what a teaser should do: TEASE us. It’s right there in the name, guys.

While the second teaser might be even more lackluster than the first, the fact that there’s already a second teaser out proves that the update is coming soon. So get excited, because the wait will soon be over! The Shipwreck update will bring to Clash of Clans what players have been demanding for the longest time now, namely the ability to manage more than one village at the same time.

Multi-village management is the most exciting and amazing upgrade that the game has received so far, so who cares that the teasers are lacking substance? The update is coming, and that’s all we need to know. Brace yourselves, Clash of Clans, because this one’s gonna be unforgettable.

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