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Pokemon Go Update Available With Changes Regarding the Pocket Monsters


After the recent event called the Water Festival, which came with lots of changes, such as the types of Pokemon that are available in particular areas, we now see the release of a new Pokemon GO update. However, it’s not one that changes lots of the content or features available in the game, but it only regards the Pocket Monsters and the locations where they are found.


The team has already started the rollout of the 18th Nest Migration, which means there will be some changes to the local hotspots in what concerns the Pokemon Go activity. The migratory Pokemon, for example, are randomly shuffled, so it’s difficult to completely track their changes.


Niantic also published the release notes and some comments for the new update, bringing the game to the 0.61.0 for Android/ 1.31.0 for iOS. However, there is more to that, since dataminers found lots of other additions and improvements in the code that was made for the game.

As such, we see that the team added support for Traditional Chinese language and brought some updates to the Pokemon collection scroll bar on the screen. Moreover, they added several bug fixes and some minor text ones.

General evolution

Even so, not everything is going great for the team. If in the beginning the play was being played by 28 million people, in time the numbers have dropped dramatically, and 80% of the players quit the game. The end of last year saw the game being played by a mere 5 million people, which is kind of disappointing. In this context, there’s no wonder that Niantic is trying hard to bring updates and challenges in order to keep players hooked or to convince people to go back to playing the game.

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