Does Rockstar Have a Tendency to Release a New GTA Game Every Time a New Console Launches?
It’s no secret that Grand Theft Auto is Rockstar’s most popular game series ever, and it’s hard to believe that the game is already twenty years old. Yep, you read that right: the first Grand Theft Auto game was launched 20 years ago, in 1997. The game has sure come a long way since, and the current installment in the series, Grand Theft Auto 5, is still being updated constantly and kept up to speed with gamers’ demands.
However, the truth is that Grand Theft Auto launched almost 4 years ago, and fans are getting impatient for the new Grand Theft Auto 6 to be released already. But Rockstar doesn’t seem to plan of doing that any time soon, so we’ll have to wait for a few more years for the next installment in the series. Until then, the current Grand Theft Auto 5 and its online version are receiving plenty of love from gamers and developers worldwide, so at least we have that going for us until GTA 6 will finally come.
The most widely-rumored release date of GTA 6 is no sooner than 2020, meaning that we might see the new installment in the series 3 years from now. However, this might also indicate a trend for Rockstar’s releases. We all remember that GTA 5 launched around the same time that Sony brought out their then-new PlayStation 4. And now, the PlayStation 5 seems to be in the books for 2020 as well. That can’t be a coincidence, can it?
So, what do you think? Does Rockstar have a tendency to release a new installment in the Grand Theft Auto series every time a new PlayStation comes out? Let us know in the comment section below.