Fallout 4 VR Comes with Big Expectations Ready
According to AMD’s review of the Fallout 4 VR, this is a revolutionary product that will completely change the rules of the game. The team at AMD seems to be particularly excited about this installment, and they even called it “the Mario and Sonic” of the VR games.
What Is Fallout 4 VR?
In case you haven’t heard about it, the Fallout 4 VR is a version of the Fallout 4 game that had been announced for the HTC Vive last year. However, we didn’t get the chance to see any footage of it as yet. Roy Taylor, who is the corporate vice president at AMD, has seen the footage, and from what he says, he is truly believing in its potential. MCV reported that he declared this installment to be an industry changer and that it will change the way in which we perceive VR.
Moreover, Taylor compared it with the famous games Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog, in the sense that both of them have been essential for the way in which consoles initially developed. At the same time, they influenced lots of other games that came after them, each for its own type of console.
Naturally, there’s a lot of talking about the upcoming Fallout 4 VR game, since it is supposedly going to be the first rich VR game that can keep you entertained for hours in a row. If indeed the developers at Bethesda are preparing something unique and revolutionary, then we can already bet that the cynical users will soon cross to the other side as soon as the product will be released.
Thankfully, Pete Hines from Bethesda announced that the game will be present at the E3 conference held by the developers this year.