Pokémon Go New Hidden Update Has an Amazing Feature
This week Pokémon Go has received a new update which wasn’t officially announced. Niantic has released this update before the major events that are bound to appear and they’ve also added patch notes with the tweaks they’ve done.
Here is a complete list with their patch notes
These bugs were resolved:
- Bugs that caused Pikachu hats to vanish in the in-game icon and model.
- While scrolling through the Pokédex users would encounter a bug by seeing icons disappearing.
Improvements and new features:
- The journal will now show you when you receive items from Gym PokéStops and items from completing Raid Battles.
- Trainers can search in Pokémon collection by typing keywords such as ‘defender’ or ‘legendary’.
The last improvement is pretty handy as players can now filter Pokémon by using these two keywords.
The last update has showed some hints on the new events regarding Safari Zones from Europe. The upcoming months will reward dedicated players with a lot of events throughout Europe, new content and opportunities of getting unique badges.
The event will start on September 16 and will take place in Germany, France, Spain, in locations such as Oberhausen, at the Unibail-Rodamco Shopping Centres, Paris in the Les Quatre Temps and in Barcelona at La Maquinista.
You will get in-game medals, 2 km eggs at PokéStops from those locations, Pocket Monsters will spawn in those areas and they will also get lures which will be active all the time so you’ll be able to catch Larvitar, Kangaskhan or Chansey and many others. There will also be some Shiny Pikachu, Shiny Magikarp and others.
The raid battles and gym battles will be paused during the events in those locations mentioned above. So forget about seeing any Legendary Pokémon for now! Either way the events will be rich in content and we think Niantic will not let us down.